
2023年中考英语总复习综合测试:完形填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读 07(含答案)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:36926Byte 来源:二一课件通
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速测(七) 完形填空+阅读理解B+C+任务型阅读 [限时:25分钟 满分:32分 得分:    ] Ⅰ.完形填空(10分)   Sometimes, a little kid can also do some important things to others. A 12-year-old schoolgirl has  1  won praise online. That’s because she used her pocket money to buy 2,000 masks (口罩) to  2  to bus drivers. She hoped to help passengers who  3  to wear them. This girl is Zhang Yuchen, a fifth grader in Anhui Province.    4  you want to know about her, you can watch a video on the Internet. It  5  while Zhang was waiting at a bus stop near her home on Sunday, she gave masks to every bus that passed by. That day, she handed out 2,000 masks to 14 bus drivers.   Zhang said that she got the  6  because of her father. Once he forgot his mask when he needed to take a bus, and other  7  passengers helped him. She hopes her masks will help more passengers in the future.  ———Children are always full of kindness towards the world,” an Internet man  8  on Weibo. “It is so  9  that she understands the idea of giving back to society at such a young age.” For us, we should try our best to  10  others. This will make our world more beautiful. (  )1.A.clearly B.widely C.closely D.luckily (  )2.A.give away B.put off C.make up D.set out (  )3.A.lead B.hate C.forget D.mean (  )4.A.But B.So C.If D.Or (  )5.A.happens B.finds C.teaches D.shows (  )6.A.dream B.method C.opinion D.idea (  )7.A.kind B.crazy C.strict D.honest (  )8.A.shouts B.writes C.doubts D.replies (  )9.A.strange B.funny C.touching D.peaceful (  )10.A.suppose B.consider C.educate D.follow Ⅱ.阅读理解(16分) Passage 1   Today many students have poor eyesight. This brings them lots of trouble in their life and study. They even get into problems because of this sometimes. They should obey the following instructions to protect their eyes.  ———Feed” eyes. Eyes are just like any other part of the body. They need healthy food to work well. That means students need to eat fruit and vegetables. Fish and eggs are also good for their eyes. Carrots are the most important of all the vegetables.   Exercise eyes. Exercising eyes daily will help eyes keep healthy and good sight. The best time to exercise is when they wake up, before going to bed or when their eyes are tired. Make sure their hands are clean so that they don’t infect (感染) their eyes and their mind is also relaxed.   Rest and relax eyes. Since they use the eyes when they wake up, they must have enough time to sleep every night to fully rest and repair the sight. If they spend fifty minutes on a computer screen, television screen or a book, they must try to rest their eyes for at least ten minutes.   Let’s follow them and go ahead right now! 1.Which might be good for students’ eyes according to the passage (  ) A.Chicken. B.Apples. C.Beef. D.Hamburgers. 2.How long should Jimmy rest his eyes if he watches the computer for 50 minutes (  ) A.5 minutes. B.8 minutes. C.9 minutes. D.11 ... ...

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