
冀教版英语七年级下册 Unit 6 Lesson 36 Spring in China导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:93次 大小:15661Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 36 Spring in China 学科:英语 年级:七年级 学习目标: 1.学习本课单词短语。 2.理解课文的意思并熟读课文. 3.情感态度和价值观:能够掌握并运用表示赞赏和鼓励的表达。 学习过程 一、导入 达成目标1 二、单词学习:根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. During spring, you can see beautiful flowers e _____ in our school yard. 2. S _____ is a kind of berry, isn’t it 达成目标2 三、课文学习(小组活动)(一)听课文填空 It’s _____in China now. It’s a _____ season! The temperature is not _____ or _____. The rain and sun make all the trees and grass _____ again. Beautiful flowers are _____ and everything looks _____ and _____. I am going to the _____ with my parents tomorrow. We are going to pick _____ and have a _____. We’ll stay outside and enjoy the nice weather. How _____! (二)任务型阅读 1. LiMing’s house is near_____. (补全句子) 2. _____ are going to the countryside tomorrow.(补全句子) 3.What are they going to do there _____. 4.Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh.(英译汉) _____. (三)再读课文,并写出以下短语 1. 使某人/某物……_____ 2. 摘草莓 _____ 3. 野餐 _____ 4. 呆在户外_____ 5. 让我带你看看中国的春天。_____. 6. 一张某人的照片 _____ 【要点】look like 和be like look like 相当于be like ,但look like“看上去像…”,用于“长相,外表”; be like“像…”,用于内在的“性格、品质、性质”等,like是介词: What's your sister like She is _____. 你姐姐是怎样一个人?她很善良 What does your sister _____ like She is tall.She has long black hair.She is very beautiful. What is she like (同义句)→_____ Choose the best answers. 1. Aaron hopes ___ a great surfer one day. A become B becoming C to be D being 2. Seasons in Australia are ___ seasons in many other countries. A different with B different from C the same as D the same to 3.–When did he leave for China --____ a sunny morning. A In B At C On D For 4. If you _____ too late, the host will be unhappy. A. arrive B. get to C. reach D arrive at 5.—Must I be home before eight o'clock — _____. A.Yes, you must. B.No, you needn't.C.No, you don't have to. D. all of above Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Don’t talk to _____ ( strange ). 2.Let’s go _____(surf) this afternoon. 3.‘Mate’is another way of_____ (say) “friend”. 4.We all hope to be great_____ (surf) in the future 5.Danny enjoys _____( clap )for the famous singer. 6.They are working on the farm _____( happy ). 7.The boy made his mother _____ ( angry ).

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