
Unit 6 Be a Champion Unit Review 教案

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:29次 大小:36271Byte 来源:二一课件通
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UNIT 6 Be a Champion! Unit Review 设计说明 首先老师通过利用图片引领学生回顾本单元的重点词汇,为接下来的习题做好铺垫;在课堂活动中加入竞争机制,使学生们跃跃欲试,兴趣高涨,既增强了同学们之间的竞争意识,又与本单元话题相联系、呼应。用习题来检查上一课时的掌握情况,再用对话来检验运用所学知识的能力。根据语言知识设计适当的交际活动,让学生用英语理解、表达和交流,从而体现“用英语做事情”的原则。由听、说、读的训练过渡到写的训练。本课节从多个角度、多种形式上对语言知识进行练习,从而达到教学目的,实现教学目标。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,学生达成以下目标: 1.知识目标 掌握本单元新学的单词、短语和句型; 掌握本单元的语法:形容词的比较级和最高级 2.能力目标 (1)熟练掌握与本单元话题相关的语言结构; (2)能够就本单元相关话题进行描述。 3.情感目标 学习运动员努力拼搏、不断超越自己的精神,并培养竞争意识和合作精神。 重点难点 1. 重点:熟练掌握与本单元单词、短语和句型。 2. 难点:能够就本单元相关话题用正确的语言进行描述。 教学准备 PPT 课件;本课节用到的录音 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Revision Ask the students to tell the Chinese meaning of the words. rope绳,绳索 sit-up仰卧起坐 push-up俯卧撑 race赛跑,速度竞赛 result结果;成绩 none一个也没有 twentieth第二十 Step 2 Building Your Vocabulary Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words. The first letter is given. The students read the sentences and fill in the blanks independently. Then they may check their answers and read the sentences again in groups or as a class. 1. Skipping is good exercise. R     are cheap and light enough to carry everywhere. 2. She kept running for half a year and lost ten k     in weight. 3. China won 38 g     medals in the 2012 London Olympic Games. 4. Brian thought of some great ideas for the classroom Olympics, but n     of them were accepted. 5. My favourite book is War and P    . Answers: 1. Ropes 2. kilos 3. gold 4. none 5. Peace Ⅱ. Complete the passage with the correct words. Split the class into two large teams. Ask one student from each team to stand at the blackboard and write his/her team’s answers. Place a time limit on this exercise. The team that completes the passage faster wins.   One day, the animals were holding a sports meet in the forest. There was a 100-metre      between a tortoise and a hare. At first, the hare was very happy because he thought he could run      than the tortoise. A few times during the race, he stopped to rest. The tortoise knew that he couldn’t run as fast as the hare. But he didn’t      up. He did his      to catch up with the hare. He ran and ran. In the end, the tortoise     ! All the animals jumped up and down to cheer for the tortoise! Step 3 Grammar 形容词和副词的比较等级 1. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的变化规则。 (1)单音节词和部分双音节词, 在词尾加-er, -est。例如: new → newer → newest。 (2) 多音节词和部分双音节词, 在词前加more, most。例如: popular → more popular → most popular。 (3)以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的, 双写该辅音字母, 再加-er, -est。例如: big → bigger → big ... ...

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