
上外版(2020)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Scientists Listening, Viewing and Speaking 教学设计

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:29次 大小:35133Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《高中英语(上外版)》必修第二册 Unit 1 Scientists 课时:第 4 课时 教学内容:Listening, Viewing and Speaking课型:视听说 一. 教学设计与说明 教学目标 本课为本单元的第四课时,学生通过该课时的学习,能通过听广播节目和看视频节目 了解五位科学家及各自主要成就;能通过分析霍金的引言及其所反映的情感变化,和通过 理解苦难与成功的关系,归纳霍金的精神品质;能借助图片和笔记复述相关科学家的简介;能通过互相推荐科学家组建完成单元大作业的合作小组。 设计思路 本课时处理教材的视听说版块,着重锻炼学生在 listening, viewing 和 speaking 三个方 面的综合能力,其中“听”和“看”属于理解性技能,“说”属于表达性技能。本课设计融合看、听、说三种语言技能的综合性语言实践活动。根据教材音频语篇,学生根据标题表达预测,通过听音列出提纲,通过精听辨识重要事实信息,并分析说话者的情感态度,鼓励学生辩 证理解苦难与成功的关系,进一步归纳和理解科学家的精神品质,将“听”这一理解性技 能通过“说”和“写”进行表达;根据教材视频语篇,调动学生“听”和“看”两种语言 技能,在视频截图的帮助下提高信息留存度,并运用“说”这一表达性技能,复述科学家 简介。除了与视听结合的“说”,学生通过学习与“推荐”相关的表达,在明确单元大作 业要求的背景下,运用这些表达在交际过程中自行分组,并在课后确定大作业中所包含科 学家的具体人选。 作业要求: 在搜集资料后运用课上所学的表达向小组推荐科学家,最终商定单元大作业中的科学家人选,并运用所提供的过程记录表记录整个决策过程; 预习 Reading B,并完成教材 13 页上人物时间线的梳理表格。 重点难点 第一,挖掘霍金对病痛的情感态度转变,结合引言分析苦难与成功的关系,进一步领会霍金所展现的科学家品质。第二,边看边记录视频中重点图片的相关信息,并依据图片和笔记内容以小组合作形式完整复述科学家的人物简介。 Learning Objectives: Lesson Plan By the end of this period, students will be able to: have a general understanding of five scientists and their major achievements by listening to the radio program and watching the TV program; conclude Hawking’s qualities by analyzing his emotional transition reflected in his quotes and understanding the relationship between suffering and success; retell introductions to the scientists with the aid of the pictures and relevant notes; form groups for the final project by asking for or giving recommendations about a scientist. Learning Procedures: Interactive activity 1: Comments on students’ previous assignments ( *T: Make comments on one piece of writing from the students in terms of the use of predicative and supporting details that help illustrate the student’s evaluation of the scientist’s qualities. *Ss: Appreciate the paragraph. Purpose: To offer Ss feedback and consolidate what Ss have learned from the previous lessons. ) Guided question: How can we evaluate the scientist’s qualities Interactive activity 2: Making predictions ( *T: Ask Ss to predict the content of the radio program based on its name and text type. *Ss: Predict the main idea of the radio program based on its name and text type. Purpose: To activate Ss’ prior knowledge of Hawking. ) Guided questions: What do you know about Steven Hawking What may be included in a radio program about ... ...

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