

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:89次 大小:224022Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2023年宝应县初三“一模”英语试卷 参考答案 2023. 04 一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 1-5 CABDA 6-10 DCBBA 11-15 DBCAC 二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 16-20. ADCBC 21-25. CBDAB 26-30. CDACB 三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 31-33 ABC 34-37 DCBA 38-41 BCAC 42-45 DBAD 四、词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 46. herself 47. spread pletely 49. pride 50. cheaper 51. advantages 52. mistaken 53. satisfied/pleased /happy 54. except 55. paying 五、阅读表达(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) 56. Tom felt happy/excited. (关键词答出其他无语法错误就可给2分) 57. Because he wanted to be free/a free man. /Although life was hard, he would be free. 58. He tried to stop them fighting. /He tried to take the knife from the drunk. 59. No. /No, she didn't. She wanted to sell Tom and made much money. 60. St Clare/He was kind/brave/kept his promise. . . (关键词答出其他无语法错误就可给2分)六、缺词填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 61. again /alone 62. sadness 63. follow 64. put 65. Take 66. when 67. hand/heart 68. really 69. found 70. waiting 七、书面表达(30分) A. 句子翻译(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分 71. That little boy would rather be strict with himself than trouble others. (would rather…than写出来给0. 5分) 72. What a pity!/It's a(great)pity that the wonderful film has been on for twenty minutes 73. The leaders thought so highly of him that he was chosen to carry out the task. (so. . . that写出来给0. 5分) 74. Mother wonders whether/if her son will try out for the school football team. (连接词,语序或时态错误每个0. 5分) 75. We should operate on her as soon as possible, or/otherwise her life will be in danger. B. 写作(20分) In our daily life, there are many things that we should value. I've had many friendships, but I value the one with Tom most. Tom lost his arms in an accident when he was a child. Although he became disabled, he didn't lose his heart. He didn't drop out of school. Instead, he kept studying hard and always got good grades exams. He even learned to use his feet to play the piano. Now he plays it very well. He is often invites to play the piano at school concerts. I value the friendship with Tom above all else because his strong will has taught me that no matter what I'll do, I should be strong-willed and determined. 评分标准: 一档文17-20分:写出全部内容要点,层次清楚、语言流畅,有句式变化,基本无语法错误(1-2个错误),或有少量由于使用复杂结构而引起的语法或拼写错误,但不影响意义理解。 二档文13-16分:基本写出全部内容要点,层次清楚、语言流畅,有少量语法错误(3-4个错误)。 三档文 9-12分:写出大部分内容要点,语言基本通顺,有一些语法和拼写错误,基本不影响意思表达。 四档文 5-8 分:写出一半左右有关内容要点,语言不太通顺,语法结构单调、错误较多、只有少数句子读,影响理解。 五档文 0-4分:言不达意,不知所云;只有(1-2个)句子可读。 评分说明: 1. 句子结构不对,内容要点有错漏,人称、时态、语态误用,为大错。一处大错扣1分。2. 通篇人称、时态错误,统扣2分。 3. 拼写、标点符号、冠词、介词等方面的错误为小错。3个小错相当于1处大错 ... ...

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