
Lesson 37 Don't Fight ! 课件(41张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:76568716Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 Work for Peace 冀教版 英语九年级全一册 Lesson 37 Don’t Fight ! 学习目标 Curriculum words: beat, service,be about to do; break down Useful expressions: Well,my computer broke down the day before yesterday and it's still being repaired. Why didn't you call me Functions: Master the using way of sentences:What if you could combine other animals or plants to make something new Grammar: It's fun to do sth. Sentences: I didn't check my messages!We live close to each other,so why didn't you come over and knock at my door!You knew how important the game was to me!Now I've missed it! 新课导入 When there is a dispute with your classmates, how do you deal with it Will you fight with your classmates 新课讲解 THINK ABOUT IT Have you ever missed a big event like a basketball game, a concert or a movie? Why did you miss it When there is a dispute,how do you deal with it 课文呈现 After a basketball game,Danny,Jenny and Brian are talking happily. Brian: That was quite a victory,Danny!The other team was strong,but you beat them. Danny: Thanks,Brian. It's fun to win,but I just love to play. Everyone played so well! Jenny: By the way,where was Steven today?Is there anything wrong with him (Danny is just about to say something when he sees Steven running towards them carrying a basketball.) Steven:Danny!Why didn't you tell me the game time was changed Danny:I did!I sent you an e mail. Steven:Well,my computer broke down the day before yesterday and it's still being repaired. Why didn't you call me Danny:I tried calling you,but your phone was out of service . I sent you a text message. Steven:I didn′t check my messages!We live close to each other,so why didn't you come over and knock at my door!You knew how important the game was to me!Now I've missed it! Danny:Well,I was too busy all day,and I am NOT your secretary! Steven:What?!  (Steven throws his ball on the ground. It bounces and hits Danny's head.) Danny:Ouch!Are you crazy (Danny almost hits Steven,but Brian and Jenny jump in to separate them.) Jenny:Don′t fight,you two!You are good friends, not enemies. You should behave like gentlemen. Let's talk! Danny: I have nothing to say to a wild man! Steven: Me neither! Let ′s Do It ! Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1 1. Did Steven come to the basketball game No, he didn′t. 2.How did Danny try to reach Steven 3.Why did Danny get so angry with Steven He sent him an e mail.He tried calling him, but his phone was out of service.He sent him a text message. Because Steven threw his basketball on the ground and it hit Danny's head. The words in italics are from this lesson. Tick the correct answers to complete the sentences. 2 1.He is a gentleman. He is always_____. □polite      □rude 2.The cards of_____colours are mixed together. Can you separate them □same □different 3.This TV_____.We need someone to repair it. □worked well □br ... ...

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