
人教版(2019) 选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:54次 大小:45157981Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) A SUCCESSFUL FAILURE What is the figure of speech in the title How do you understand the title Critical thinking Oxymoron (矛盾修辞法) ◆The ship Endurance: be stuck→ be crushed by the ice → sank ◆ The crew: be trapped in the ice→ failed to realize their goals of crossing the Antarctic continent… ◆ overcome difficulties ◆ survive in the awful conditions ◆ develop teamwork spirits and friendship ◆ adopt a positive attitude to life… Definition: Apparently contradictory terms are combined. Functions: To create humour, to make the narration surprising and impressive, or to deepen the readers’ understanding of the text. theme: _____ and_____ courage adversity Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance. — Samuel Johnson If one wants to succeed, one must have the will to continue and face all odds. the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties A synonym for “perseverance” is “endurance”, the name of Shackleton’s ship. ecent osy ad-tempered iserable itter enuine resolved was turned down aboard cupboard assigned crew voyage sank abandon set off Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language The Reward for Perseverance I think ES and his team must _____(face) many challenges. I can see snow and ice everywhere in this _____(mountain) area. It seemed hard for them _____(identify) their location because all terrains looked same. Above all, they met with mental challenge as well because they didn’t know _____ was in store for them. have faced mountainous to identify what six wrong arrived at Elephant still alive Listen for the detail. Answer the questions. Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia lsland Shackleton had to travel to South Georgia Island to get help to rescue the rest of his crew. We had stayed on Elephant Island for only a day, but Shackleton was already worried. He realized that many of us were too ill to survive very long without rescue. He decided to go to South Georgia Island for help. He chose five members to join him on the trip and I was one of them. Listen for the detail. Answer the questions. 2. Why was it important to include a navigator in the team It was important to include a navigator so they would know where they were going and not get lost. I have been working on ships for my whole life and my strong navigation skills could guide us across the dangerous sea. Listen for the detail. Answer the questions. Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and unfriendly man to join the rescue mission Shackleton chose him because he wanted the crew left behind to remain cheerful and positive and the man would have had a negative influence on the crew. However, to my surprise Shackleton also picked the most difficult and unfriendly member to join us on the trip. I later learnt that he did this because he wanted the group remaining on the island to stay cheerful and positive until we retur ... ...

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