
外研七下Module 11 Body language本模块综合与测试课件(希沃版+PPT图片版)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:64次 大小:26689234Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 11 Body Language facial expression happiness surprise fear A real smile always includes: Lasts for only one second ①crow's feet wrinkles i①eyebrows raised .①eyebrows raised and pulled together ②pushed up cheeks ②eyes widened ②raised upper eyelids ③movement from ③mouth open muscle that ③tensed lower eyelids orbits the eye lips slightly stretched horizontally back to ears sadness anger disgust …①drooping upper ①eyebrows down ①nose wrinkling eyelids and together ②losing focus in eyes :②upper lip raised ②eyes glare ③slight pulling down -③narrowing of the lips of lip corners handshake kiss hug bow 单词部分知识点 1.bow to sb. 对某人鞠躬 bow to sth.向某事屈服 eg.He never to money. Lily often to her teachers when she meets them 2.shake hands with sb 和某人握手 eg.他向我微笑,并和我握手。 He smiled at me and me. 3.smile to,/atsb.对某人微笑 laugh at sb.嘲笑某人 eg.Bob at me and I smile to him too. Don'ta at your friends. 单词部分知识点 4.常见的国家及对应国籍/语言 国家名称 国籍/语言 England English China Chinese America American India Indian Japan Japanese Germany German Russia Russian 注意:以an结尾的国家人,都是可数名词,在末尾加s,其余的为单复同形。

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