
牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册 Unit 2 Natural disasters Extended Reading 课件(17张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:14次 大小:36927876Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) The Last Days of Pompeii (excerpt) 庞贝城的末日(节选) Step 1 Lead-in What do you know about Pompeii Pompeii is an ancient Roman city which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. The city has been unearthed gradually and nowadays becomes an international tourist destination. 庞贝是一座古罗马城市,被火山喷发摧毁。后来这座城市逐渐被发掘出来,如今已成为国际旅游目的地。 Introduction of Pompeii Step 2 Pre-reading According to the title, Can you guess what is the novel The Last Days of Pompeii about Watch the video Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) was a talented British writer who left his mark on the English language. His classic novel The Last Days of Pompeii imagines life in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in the year 79, when Mount Vesuvius erupted. 爱德华·布尔沃-利顿(1803-1873)是一位才华横溢的英国作家,对英语语言产生了深远的影响。在其经典小说《庞贝城的末日》中,他对公元79年维苏威火山爆发时,古罗马城市庞贝的生活场景展开了想象。 talent (n)天赋--talented (adj)有天赋的 be talented in 在....方面有天赋 erupt (v)爆发--eruption (n)爆发 erupt into 突然变为或发展为 erupt into laughter/shouting 突然大笑、突然大喊起来 The extinct volcano’s eruption would mean a disaster for the city. 死火山的喷发对城市而言意味着灾难。 This terrible natural disaster destroyed Pompeii completely, but it also kept the ancient city as it was for future ages. Since 1748, Pompeii has been systematically unearthed. Today it is an international tourist destination. 这场骇人天灾将庞贝城彻底摧毁,却又为后世保存了这座古城的原貌。从1748年起,庞贝城开始得到系统发掘。如今这里已成为国际旅游胜地。 systematically adv. 系统地,有组织地 system n. 体系;制度;系统的 systematical adj. 体系的;有条不紊的;系统的 destination n. 目的地,终点 an international tourist destination 国际旅游目的地 Pompeii was a typical Roman city. In its little shops, its tiny palaces, its forum, its wine bars, its theatre-in the energy and skill of its people, you saw a model of the whole Roman Empire. 庞贝是一座典型的罗马城市。从它的一个个小商铺、一座座小殿宇、广场、酒馆、剧场中--从庞贝人的活力和技艺中,你能看到整个古罗马帝国的缩影。 type (n)类型(v) 打字 typical (adj)典型的 typically(adv)典型地 energy (n) 精力,能量 energetic (adj)精力充沛的 Could you make time to type this out 你能腾出时间把这个打出来吗? These blood types are type A. 这些血型为A型。 Trading ships bringing imports to the city or carrying exports overseas, along with golden pleasure boats for the rich, were crowded together in the glassy water of the port. The boats of the fishermen moved rapidly in all directions. 进口货物到城内,出口货物到海外的商船,以及富贵人家金灿灿的游船,齐聚在港口波光粼粼的水面上。条条渔船向着四面八方疾行。 import n. 进口产品;输入 vt. 进口,引进 import … from 从……进口 import … into 进口……到…… crowd (v)拥挤 (n)人群--crowded (adj)拥挤的 be crowed with 挤满 The factory imported some machines from Germany last year. 去年那家工厂从德国进口了一批机器。 Th ... ...

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