
仁爱湘教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball Section D 教案

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:33次 大小:22079Byte 来源:二一课件通
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仁爱湘教版初中英语八年级上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball. Section D Ⅰ. Material analysis 本节课为本话题第五课时,主要活动为1a和2。 Section D是一节复习课,在综合复 习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生本周的学习内容。通过综合的阅读和写作的练习,拓展延伸学生的学习内容,检测学生综合运用语言的能力。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能正确朗读出单词表所有单词及短语,能正确拼读、书写并运用黑体单词。 2. 复习并能熟练运用be going to do ; There is going to be 句型。 3. 能准确运用本单元重点短语进行写作练习: play basketball / football; have a basketball game against…; win (the game) ; cheer sb. on; prefer doing sth.; on e’s favorite player; play against; play for; grow up; in the future; spend time (in) doing sth. / on sth.; do sth. very well ; be good at doing sth.; take part in…; play with; arrive in; leave for等短语。 4. 能正确完成教师设计的补充词汇对比的练习: see sb do sth,see sb doing sth play against,play for, play with take part in,join sb, join+组织名称, join in +活动 arrive in,arrive at be good at,do well in 5. 能综合运用本课短语、句型写出自己或他人的运动计划或周末计划。 Skill aims: 1. 能听懂与课本内容难度相当的、有关体育运动及体育明星话题的材料。 2. 能正确运用本单元所学内容,比较流利地谈论自己和他人的运动计划、运动日程、 简单的梦想。 3. 能阅读有关运动计划、运动日程、简单的梦想以及相关话题的文章,理解文章并 做相关的阅读练习。 4. 能综合运用本单元的语法、词汇、句型写出自己和他人的运动计划、运动日程、 周末计划以及相关话题。 Emotional aims: 通过学习,唤醒学生的运动意识,鼓励学生积极参与运动,使他们养成健康而有规律 的生活习惯。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points Key points: 复习be going to 结构及表示计划意愿的功能句。 Difficult points: 1. see sb do sth/ see sb doing sth. 2. take part in / join / join in. Ⅳ. Learning strategies 1. 通过短语辨析的学习,鼓励学生学会归纳总结。 2. 通过看图写话,看信息补全文章等多种方法,帮助学生提高写作能力。 3. 学生通过整体复习Sections A-C,了解到复习是一种很好的学习方式。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector,poster of David Beckham Everyday saying: If you can’t pass, you can’t play. Ⅵ. Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activity Teacher activity Introduction(7 minutes) 1. The whole class work2. The whole class work3. Individual work4. The whole class work 1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Read the saying aloud. 3. Choose three students to report as well as they can.4. The whole class read in pairs. 1. Greet students ready for learning.2. Show everyday saying for the students. ( one saying a week )3. Teacher asks three students to report their homework one by one. Choose the best one to award.4. Teacher asks each group to read their homework in pairs: A1-A2; B1-B2; C1-C2, checking each other’s essay. Teacher walks around the class and helps the students when necessary. Presentation(8 minutes) 1. Individual work2. Individual work3. The whole class work4. Group work5. The whole class work6. The whole class work7. T ... ...

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