
初中英语语法及真题演练(全国通用)专题17 情景交际-思维导图破解(原卷板+解析版)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:16次 大小:1206856Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    第17章 情景交际 Part1 中考考点导图 情景交际是一种综合性测试题,它以日常话题为主要内容,考查学生在具体的语言环境中实际运用所学语言知识交流思想、表达观点的能力。命题将突出真实交际情景下语言的实际运用,力求贴近学生,贴近生活,贴近社会,贴近时代。 一、感谢和应答 1. 感谢某人 Thank you./Thanks a lot./Thank you very much. Thank you for your help. It’s very kind/nice of you. Thank you anyway/all the same. 2. 回答感谢时的答语 It’s my pleasure. That’s OK./That’s all right. You’re welcome. 二、道歉和应答 1. 当要麻烦别人时 Excuse me. I beg your pardon. 2. 当做错某事时 Sorry. I’m sorry for… I’m sorry that… 3. 回答道歉时的答语 That’s all right. That’s OK. Never mind. It’s nothing. It doesn’t matter. 三、邀请和应答 1. 表示邀请的用语 Will you come to… Would you like to… May I invite you to… How/What about… 2. 接受邀请时的答语 Yes, I’d like /love to. Yes. It’s very kind of you. That would be nice. 3. 拒绝邀请时的答语 No, thank you. I’d love /like to, but… 四、请求和应答 1. 表请求用语 May I… Can/Could I… Would you mind if… 2. 表肯定的答语 Sure. /Certainly. Yes, do please. That’s all right. Of course, you can. 3. 表否定的答语 I’m afraid not. I’m sorry, but you mustn’t/can’t. You’d better not. 五、祝愿、祝贺和应答 1. 祝贺用语 Have a good day/time! Have a good journey/trip! Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Best wishes to you! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday! Congratulations! Well done! 2. 应答用语 Thank you. You, too. The same to you. 六、提供帮助和应答 1. 提供帮助 Can I help you Would you like me to help you What can I do for you Let me help you. 2. 肯定答语 Yes, please./Yes, thanks. Thank you for your help. Thank you. That would be nice. 3. 否定答语 No, thanks/thank you. That’s very kind/nice of you, but I can manage it myself. 七、劝告和建议 You’d better… Why not… How/What about… Shall we… You shouldn’t… 八、打电话 1. 拨电话方的交际用语 Could/May/Can I speak to...please Who’s that(speaking) This is…(speaking). Could you ask him/her to call me back I’m calling to tell/ask you to… 2. 接电话方的交际用语 Hold on(for a moment), please. I’m sorry/afraid he’s/she’s out at the moment/right now. Can I take a message (for you) 九、购物 1. 营业员常用的交际用语 CanI help you /What can I do for you How many/much… do you want What about this one What colour/size/kind do you like/want I’m afraid we haven’t got any…in that size at the moment. Here you are. 2. 顾客常用的交际用语 I want /would like to buy some. . . (for. . . ) I’m looking for. . . I would like/want two kilos of... I like the colour,but it’s/they’re too. . . It’s great, but it’s not. . . enough. Have you got any other kind/colour/size That looks nice/great. Have you got anything cheaper How much does it cost Can/May I try them/it on,please 十、看病 1. 医生常用交际用语 What’s wrong with you /What’s tihe matter /What’s up How long have you been like this Have you taken your temperature Have you had anything to eat this morning There’s nothing serio ... ...

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