ID: 16148527

Module 10 Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater课件+素材(共32张PPT)

日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:46次 大小:73222659B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 10 Unit 2 She’s got an orange sweater. -What have they got respectively(分别) -He/She has got (a/an)_____. brown hat red hat green and yellow sweater funny trousers orange shirt shoes Review Warm up clothes Hello! I’m Lily. I want to buy some clothes. Can you help me Here is a _____. Here are _____. What can you see 半身裙 New words skirt white 白色的 What colour is the skirt It’s _____. Here is a _____. Here are _____. Hello! Can I help you I want a white skirt. I haven’t got a white skirt. What has Sam got Picture talking Lead in: 1. watch and say -What has Sam got -Sam has got a _____ shirt. White 2. listen, point and say I’ve got a white shirt. It’s for the class _____. What happened to Sam’s shirt photo Oh no! Now my shirt is _____ and _____. black white photo 照片 Picture talking -What have pandas got -What do they do for pandas Pre-Reading: Watch, listen and match What do they do for panda They put on clothes for pandas . How many clothes will pandas put on Fast-listening: listen fast, circle the clothes you hear -What have they got respectively -He/She has got a(an) _____ Careful-listening: listen carefully, circle and say Look! He’s got a _____. It’s very nice. Has he got trousers Yes, he has. He’s got _____. green sweater brown trousers Has she got a white coat No, she hasn’t. She’s got _____. And a _____. Oh! A nice panda! blue skirt an orange sweater -What have they got respectively -He/She has got a(an) _____ He has got a green sweater and brown trousers. She has got an orange sweater and a blue skirt. Post-listening: Watch and imitate √ × √ √ × × Post-listening: 2.Listen and tick Let’s chant Practice1 Has he got green trousers Yes, he’s got green trousers. -Has he/she got a(an)… -Yes, he/she has got a(an)_____. -No, he/she hasn’t. but he/she has got a(an)___ Practice 2 She has got _____. a white skirt Practice 2 She has got _____. a blue shirt Practice 2 She has got _____. an orange dress Practice 2 She has got _____. green trousers Practice 2 She has got _____. a blue skirt Practice 2 She has got _ _. black shoes 课后小练 (  ) 1. —Has she got a white sweater —____ A. Yes, she haven’t. B. No, she hasn’t. (  ) 2. My new shirt is ____ the class photo. A. at B. of C. for B C (  ) 3. Here’s ____ orange hat. A. a B. an C. / (  ) 4.She’s got a red sweater, a yellow skirt and ____ black shoes. A. a B. an C. / B A Homework 1.Please read the new words and the text three times. 2.What clothes have you got please tell your friends with the sentences we have learnt today. Thank you

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