ID: 21411983

Unit 4 Shopping in the City_教案

日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:100次 大小:29696B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Shopping in the City Lesson 19 【教学目标】 1.能听懂,会说,认读和书写词汇:shop, go. 2.能认读,理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:Let's go shopping. I want to buy _____. 3.能听懂,会说下列句子:What do you want to buy I want to buy _____.Let's go to the _____ shop. 4.乐于模仿,敢于开口. 5.注意倾听,积极思考. 【教学重点】 1.词汇: shop, go 2.句型: What do you want to buy I want to buy _____. Let's go to the _____ shop. Let's go shopping. 【教学难点】 熟练运用所学句型进行交际交流. 【教学过程】 Ⅰ.Warm up Greetings: Hello, class. How do you feel Review: What is it It's _____.(复习衣服类,玩具类等词汇) T: This unit, we'll learn something about shopping.(简单用汉语介绍一下第四单元的内容,让学生对所学知识有一个总体的认识,这样可以做到有备而学.) Ⅱ.New Concept 1.What is it Student book: Look at the picture. Where are Jenny and Danny What can you see from the picture Watch the video or listen to the tape, try to find the answers. They are on the street. We can see: tea shop, book shop, clothes shop, toy shop Read these words, then discuss: At the tea shop, we can buy some tea. Book shop, buy some books. Toy shop, buy some toys—ball, kite, teddy bear, toy car. Clothes shop, buy some clothes—shirt, socks, dress... T: What else shop can you say S: fruit shop, bike shop, shoes shop, cake shop… Watch the video again, follow to read. What do they want to do They want to go shopping. Jenny says: Let's go shopping. (介绍Let's的用法,提出建议是用,let's= Let us.) T: What do they want to buy Watch and listen. 2.What do you want to buy Watch the video or listen to the tape. What does Jenny/ Danny want to buy She / He wants to buy a new dress. / ice cream. Watch the video again, follow to read, then discuss: Dress—clothes shop I want to buy a dress. Let's go to the clothes shop. (学生仿照此法进行句型练习.) Pair work: Book—book shop. I want to buy a book. Let's go to the book shop. Toys—toy shop I want to buy some toys. Let's go to the toy shop. 3.Let's do it! Pair work: Talk and write. Ⅲ.Exercise 1.point and say:(利用教室张贴的商店图片或学生手中的词汇卡片练习.) Point to _____. Show me _____. Let's go to the _____ shop. 2.Pair work: What do you want to buy I want to buy _____. Let's go to the _____ shop. Okay! 3.Activity book. 【作业布置】 1.What do we learn from this lesson 2.Do you have any questions 3.Read the text. Write the four words. 【板书设计】 Let's go shopping. What do you want to buy Tea. tea shop. book. book shop. I want to buy clothes. Let's go to the clothes shop. toys. toy shop.

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