ID: 16419753

Module 10 Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:7617718B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 She’s got an orange sweater Module 10 n. (名词) 照片 【复数】photos 【短语】 a class photo 一张班级合照 take photos 拍照 【例句】 This is my family photo. 这是我的全家福。 【图片记忆】 white black白色的 黑色的 adj. (形容词) 白色的 【对应词】black 黑色的 【例句】It’s a white cat. 它是一只白色的猫。 【拓展】white还可以作为姓氏,意为“怀特”,此时首字母需大写,如Miss White(怀特小姐)。 【联想记忆】 skirt dress 女裙,裙子 连衣裙 n. (名词) 女裙,裙子 【形近词】shirt 衬衫 【短语】a yellow skirt 一条黄色的裙子 【例句】Amy has got a red skirt. 埃米有一条红色的裙子。 【注意】skirt通常指腰部以下的半身裙。 【对比记忆】 Look at my clothes I have got a white T-shirt. 白色的 Lead-in 女裙,裙子 I have got a green skirt. Look at Lingling’s photo. What has she got 照片 She has got an orange sweater. Listen, point and say. Guess what happened to Sam. 1 I’ve got a white shirt. It’s for the class photo. Oh no! Now my shirt is black and white. black and white 黑白相间 Listen and say. 2 What has the panda got Has she got a white coat No, she hasn’t. she’s got an orange sweater. Oh! A nice panda. And a blue skirt. Listen and say. Then chant. 4 Red, blue, white, black. Have you got a yellow cap Yes, I have. Yes, I have. I’ve got a yellow cap. Green, brown, black, white. Have you got an orange kite No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t. But I’ve got an orange bike. Play the game. Guess and say. Has he got green trousers Yes, he’s got green trousers. 5 Draw and say. She’s got a red sweater, a yellow skirt and black shoes. 7 课堂小结 询问某人是否拥有某物的句型以及回答: —Has + 主语(第三人称单数)+ got + 某物 —Yes, she/ he has. / No, she/ he hasn’t. 例:他有绿色的裤子吗? Has he got green trousers

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