

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:48次 大小:416074Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    宁明县 2023 年春季学期七年级期末检测 英语听力测试 第一大题,听句子,选图片。 你将听到五个句子,请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,有一副图是多余的。 并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。每个句子读两遍。 1. I would like to visit the Big Ben. 2. My uncle is a policeman. 3. They planted many trees last year. 4. Alice ran after the rabbit. 5. Do not play with matches. 第二大题,听短对话, 选择最佳答案。 你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,请根据对话内容, 选出最佳答语, 并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 6. M: Is this bag Amy’s W: No, it isn’t hers. It’s Lucy’s. 7. M: What’s your pet, Lily W: It’s a parrot. 8. W: What are you doing, Sandy M: I am reading a book about rabbits. 9. M: Sandy will go to Shanghai next Monday. W: Wish her have a nice trip. 10. W: Daniel, can you play the violin M: Yes, I can. I started to play it at the age of six. 第三大题,听对话,选择最佳答案。 你将听到三段对话, 请根据对话内容, 选出每个问题的最佳答案, 并在答题卡上将选定 答案的字母标号涂黑。每段对话读两遍。 请听第一段对话,回答第 11—13 小题。 M: Hello . W: Hello. May I speak to Simon, please M: Sorry, he’s not at home.Who’s speaking,please W: This is Mary. I want to visit our English teacher, Mr. Green. But I don’t know his address. M: Oh. Can I take a message W: Yes, please. Can you ask him to call me back My telephone number is 55572188. M: OK. I’ll tell him when he comes back. W: Thanks. Goodbye. 请听第二段对话,回答第 14—16 小题。 七年级英语 答案 第 1页, 共 4页 W: How many countries have you been to, Tom M: Um... Let me see. America, Canada, Japan, and China. W: You know, France is a very romantic country. M: Yes. I plan to go there this summer holiday. W: We are going to learn about travelling next week. Why not go to the library and find some books to read M: Good idea! But I have to go to the teachers’ office now. How about tomorrow afternoon W: OK. See you then. 请听第三段对话,回答第 17—20 小题。 M: Hi, Mary. What time do you usually get up W: I usually get up at a quarter to seven. M: What do you do then W: I read English at 7:00. After that I have breakfast. M: When do you begin your classes every day W: At 8:00. Oh, and we have four classes in the morning, and another three in the afternoon. M: Do you often go to the library after school W: Sure. I often read books for forty minutes. It’s fun. M: Yes. Reading can help us know more about the world. 第四大题,听短文,选择最佳答案。 你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案,并在答题 卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。短文读两遍。 (M) Hello, everyone! I'm Tom. Let me tell you something about my hometown. My hometown is a modern and beautiful city. It's about two hours from the city by bus. There are buses to the city centre every day. It is quiet and has fresh air. We can hear the birds sing and smell the flowers. There are lots of works of art to see in the museums here. Visitors can learn all about China’s history. I am lucky to live in this city. I will be very h ... ...

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