
Module12 Unit1 语法与阅读 专项训练1(外研版八年级上册)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:296381Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 一.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.Make sure     (turn) off the lights before leaving the classroom. 2.Can you imagine     (walk) on Mars 3.If you want to win, you’d better get some     (train) before the game. 4.Look!A small pet dog     (lie) on the ground. 5.My friend, Betty, has no trouble     (learn) maths. 6.Hello, everyone. Today’s topic is about    (make) friends on the Internet. 7. Using too many plastic products is     (harm) to our environment. 8.The children ran up the     (stair). 9.To stop COVID -19, all the Chinese people try to do what they can     (help) Wuhan. 10.She said that she     (can) come. 二.按要求完成下列各题 1.It’s bad for your health to eat too much. (改为同义句) It’s         your health to eat too much. 2.You shouldn’t talk loudly in the library.(改为祈使句)         loudly in the library. 3.The box is very heavy. No one can lift it.(改为同义句) This is     a heavy box     no one can lift it. 4.We can use a coat to cover him to make him warm.(改为同义句) We can     him     a coat to make him warm. 5.What happened to the little girl (改为同义句)              the little girl 三.单项选择 (  )1.You should keep clear     the machine. It’s dangerous when it is working. A.with B.of C.out D.at (  )2.The young man was so     that he helped the police catch the thief(小偷) last week. A.lovely B.harmful C.shy D.brave (  )3.We should     drugs(毒品). They are very dangerous. A.live with B.stay away from C.learn from D.hang out (  )4.Nora opened the box. To her surprise,     it was a gold watch. A.outside B.inside C.beside D.behind (  )5.Your advice is very     . I guess I’ll take it. A.helpful B.harmful C.careful D.thankful 四.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.即使面对危险,你也应当保持镇静。 You should         even in the face of danger. 2.请小心那条狗,它有时候会咬人。 Please             that dog. It sometimes bites people. 3.我们不想从伦敦搬走。 We don’t want to             London. 4.孩子们应该为了安全避开火。 Children should             fires to be safe. 5.总之,你应当学学如何使用电脑。          , you should learn about         use a computer. 五.语法填空 Last night, when I was preparing for my English exam in my bedroom, suddenly I heard a big noise. The glass on the edge of the desk 21.    (落下) onto the floor.The glass was 22.    (打碎) into pieces.The light in the room was shaking.I looked out of the 23.    (窗户) and found the whole building was shaking, too.I realised that an 24.    (地震) happened.I couldn’t 25.    (想象) what would happen next. I 26.    (告诫) myself that I must be 3.    (勇敢的) and 4.    (保持) calm and try not to cry. I crawled(爬) and hid myself 29.    (在……下面) the bed. Several minutes later, the building didn’t shake any more. So I crawled out and ran out of the ... ...

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