
选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 The mass media Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study 课时分层练(含解析)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:90次 大小:23087Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 The mass media Extended reading, Project, Assessment & Further study—2023-2024学年高二英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第二册课时分层练 【夯实基础】 知识点1名词 1.Dora seemed to be unconscious of the _____(amuse) she had caused. 2.The boy, who is said to have a great talent for language learning and _____(persuade), is only ten years old. 知识点2非谓语动词 3.At present, many travel companies are offering package tours _____(tailor) to meet individual requirements. 知识点3形容词 4.He was so _____(absorb) in research that he had little time left for entertaining activities. 知识点4介词 5.If online payment is safer, people will be more likely to link their bank cards _____ WeChat. 【提升能力】 6.许多运动员为备战奥运会刻苦训练,为的就是能为祖国赢得荣誉。(so that) _____ 7.健康对于事业的成功是非常重要的,这就是你应该经常锻炼的原因。(This is why...) _____ 8.通常来说,团队成员越亲密,他们在团体比赛中的表现就越好。(the +比较级..., the +比较级...) _____ 9.这篇文章不仅对大众媒体作出了详细的介绍,还提到了它对我们的生活的影响。(not only... but also... ; 倒装) _____ 10.他们的老师和家长都应该禁止他们玩这样的网络游戏。(汉译英) _____ 【核心素养】 一、 "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." This quote(引语)is attributed to Mark Twain. In today's Internet world of "false news", lies spread even faster and the truth is having trouble finding its shoes. To make matters worse, most young people get news from social media sites where facts are mixed with rumors(谣言), half-truths and complete lies. This has led to young people becoming confused. In the latest PISA, which tested 15-year-olds worldwide on academic subjects, fewer than one in ten of the examinees were reported to be able to distinguish fact from opinion. A Stanford University study showed that students at all levels of education could not tell real news from false news. In one instance, 80 percent thought that a paid advertisement was a real news story. False news is spread by people who have a prejudice(偏见). They want to influence public opinion either for or against something or someone. It is important for young people to recognize when they are being used and to be skeptical about online information. The traditional media, such as newspapers and television, are still the more credible sources of information. Reporters are professionally trained to look for facts, and editors have the job of making sure those facts are correct. However, if you get most of your information online, you have to be your own editor. In that case, the first thing to do is to look at the writer of a post. Is this person known to be credible Does the site where you read the post have a prejudice Next, look for other sources from the mainstream media to confirm the information. In other words, by putting on your truth shoes you won't be fooled into chasing lies. 11.Why is the quote mentioned in Paragraph 1 A.To give an explanation. B.To introduce the topic. C.To offer ... ...

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