
人教版(2019)必修 第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Reading and Thinking课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:79602875Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading and Thinking Learn about a city that has diverse cultures P. 28 California San Francisco San Francisco is in California on the Pacific coast. Canada Mexico the Atlantic Ocean the Pacific Ocean Golden Gate Bridge Redwood Forest Napa Valley Chinatown Mission District P. 28 1. What is the style of the text A. a news report B. a letter C. a travel guide D. a travel journal A travel journal is a personal record of his or her travels, which may be kept in a diary or in a blog format online. It is usually organized in time order or space order. What did Li Lan record in her travel journal _____ what she saw and did and how she felt P. 29 explored the neighbourhood; learnt about Mission School art: ate Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck went to a historical museum went to Chinatown to enjoy home style cooking will go to a jazz bar in the Richmond District City of San Francisco —what a city…; so many beautiful old buildings Feeling: amazed; impressed Mission District — quite modern and lively… A real mix … Feeling: interested local museum — did a really good job…built a new home here Feeling: touched Chinatown — so many good cafes … beautiful china plates. What great food! Feeling: happy; excited Richmond District — Can’t wait Feeling: eager to know P. 28 Before SF Morning Afternoon Evening Tomorrow 1. camped... 2. visited... 3. What a city! 1. walked around... 2. ate ... 3. get the first impression... 1. visited ... 2. learnt ... 3. did a really good job of ... 1. went ... 2. ate .. 3.What great food! 1. will go to ... 2. cant't wait! amazed; impressed interested; surprised touched; impressed happy; satisfied eager to know Activities Feelings Time It seems that Li Lan quite enjoyed her trip in San Francisco. P. 29 4 Answer the questions using information from the travel journal. 1 What impressed the writer first about San Francisco 2 What is so special about the Mission District 3 Why did Chinese immigrants go to San Francisco 4 What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal The beautiful old buildings, many sitting on top of big hills. The Mission District is a vibrant, historical area full of culture and lite. To seek their fortune in the gold rush. The Mission District which is full of people from Mexico or Central America: Chinese noodles from a food truck; Chinatown. 5 Discuss these questions in groups. 1 Have you ever been to a place that has a diverse culture What do you think brought about the cultural diversity 2 What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity One culturally diverse place that I have been to is Harbin, the capital city ot Heilongjiang The benefits: People are able to experience a wide variety of cultures, making their lives Province. I went there last year with my family to see the Ice and Snow Festival, and I was amazed at how the culture was different to most other Chinese cities. There is a big Russian influenc ... ...

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