

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:23702Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年八年级暑期话题阅读天天练:守则与制度 (共7题) 一、阅读理解题(共7题) Summer is coming. Many people like swimming in summer. In fact, swimming is very popular in the world. People think water makes them feel cool and swimming makes them keep healthy. But sometimes it is also dangerous if you don't know how to keep safe (安全的) when swimming. Here are some tips. *Don't swim alone You'd better swim with your friends or parents. Never go swimming only by yourself. *Be in a safe place Swimming in a wrong place is not safe. And strange (陌生的) places may have some dangers. Never swim with a "No swimming" sign. *Choose a clean place If the water is dirty, you may get ill after swimming. So don't go there! Taking a shower is very necessary after swimming. *Don' t swim for a long time You may feel ill, if you stay in the water for a long time. You'd better not stay in the water for more than two hours. *Bring a swimming ring Sometimes a swimming ring can help you, especially when you are not good at swimming. (1) How many tips does the writer give A.Six B.Seven C.Five D.Eight (2) Why do people like swimming A.Swimming is very popular B.Water makes them feel cool C.Swimming helps them keep healthy D.B and C (3) Mary can't swim, maybe she can bring _____. A.A swimming suit B.A swimming ring C.Nothing D.A pair of glasses (4) According to the passage, you can stay in the water for about _____, then you should go out of the water. A.3 hours B.4 hours C.2.5 hour D.2 hours (5) Which place is the best one to swim in A.A place with "No Swimming" sign B.A place with dirty water C.A place you don't know D.A safe place with clean water Welcome to the school library. There are many kinds of books in it. You can do some reading here. Now there are some rules for you to obey in the school library. First, never run in the library. Second, if the books are lost, you have to pay for (赔偿) them. Third, don't bring any food or drinks into the library. You can't eat or drink here. Fourth, don't bring your bags or wet umbrellas into the library. Put them by the door. Fifth, keep quiet in the library. Don't talk loudly or make any noise. You can't listen to music, either. Sixth, the library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekends. The last rule, you can borrow two books each time. And you can keep them for two weeks. But you can't lend them to others. Remember to return them on time. The library is a place for us to read and study. Please obey the rules and have a good time in the library. Thank you! (1) If the library books are lost, you must them. (2) You can put your bags or wet umbrellas . (3) When is the school library open on weekends (4) 找出并写下全文的主题句。 (5) 将文中画线句子译成汉语。 When we play a game with our classmates or friends, we usually need to make some rules first. I think it's very important to have rules. There are lots of rules in my school. We have to get to school on ... ...

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