
第6讲 期中复习(一)Unit 1-3 1单词+短语夺分密案 人教版英语八上(学生版+教师版)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:732717Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 第六讲 期中复习(一) Unit 1-3 知识点精讲 1. 重点单词 Unit 1 1.精彩的adj._____ 想知道 v. _____ 2.我自己pron. _____ pl.我们自己_____ 3.厌倦的;烦闷的adj. _____ 令人厌倦的 adj. _____ 4.有乐趣的adj. _____ 享受;喜爱 v. _____ 5.活动n. _____ 积极的adj. _____ 行动n. _____ 6.决定 v. _____ 决定 n. _____ 7.建筑物 n. _____ 建筑v. _____ 过去式_____ 8.商人n. _____ 交易 v.& n. _____ 9.差别n. _____ 不同的adj. _____ 10.饥饿的 adj. _____ 饥饿n. _____ 11.不喜爱v.&n. _____ Unit 2 1.家务n. _____ 学校作业n. _____ 2.几乎不adv. _____ 困难的adj. _____ 困难地adv. _____ 3.一次adv. _____ 一num. _____ 第一num. _____ 4.两次adv. _____ 二num. _____ 第二num. _____ 5.互联网n. _____ 网n. _____ 6.满的,忙的,装满的adj. _____ 装满v. _____ 7.摇摆v. _____ 过去式_____ 8.最少adv. _____ 最多adv. _____ 9.健康n. _____ 健康的adj. _____ 10.死亡v. _____ 死的adj. _____ 死亡n. _____ 11.写v. _____ 作家n. _____ 12.得分,点n. _____ 指,指向v. _____ Unit 3 1.爱交际的,友好的 adj. _____ 2.两个,两个都 pron._____ 3.喧嚣地,大声地 adv. _____ 大声的adj._____ 出声地 adv._____ 4.轻声地,安静地 adv._____ 安静的 adj._____ 5.工作努力的,辛勤的adj._____ 6.比赛,竞赛 n._____ 7.哪一个,哪一些pron._____ 8.清楚地,清晰地 adv._____ 9.赢得,获胜 v._____ 过去式_____ 10.不过,可是 adv. 虽然,尽管 conj._____ 11.有才能的,有才干的adj._____天资,天赋n._____ 12.真正,确实adv._____ 真实的,真的adj._____ 事实,实情n._____ 13.在意,担忧v._____ 小心的adj._____ 粗心的adj._____ 14.严肃的,稳重的adj._____ 严肃地,稳重地adv._____ 15.镜子n._____ 16.小孩,年轻人n._____ 17.必需的,必要的adj._____ 18.应当,应该 modal v._____ 19.谚语,格言,警句n._____ 20.感动,触摸v._____ 21.现实,事实n._____ 短语:事实上_____ 22.破,裂,损坏v._____ 过去式_____ 23.相像的,类似的 adj._____ 短语:与...相像,类似的._____ 24.信息,消息n._____ 25.最初的,最早的adj._____ 词汇运用 Unit 1 1.There are many outdoor(户外的) a in spring. 2. My mother didn’t have e money, so she couldn’t buy the coat. 3. We must w when the traffic light is red. 4. He t many photos in Beijing last year. 5. I didn’t take an u so I got wet in the rain. 6. I want to go on vacation but I can’t d when to go. 7.We must keep d to improve our writing skills(写作技巧). 8. I d the sweater because it is out of the style(过时). 9. Can you find some d between the twin brothers 10. She ate n but some bread at the party. Unit 2 1. He never goes to a d _____for teeth cleaning. 2. After the accident, she could h_____ speak. 3. Don’t give up, a _____ some of the questions are not easy to answer. 4. We think the best way to relax is t_____ exercise. 5. We should sleep at l_____ eight hours. 6.——— What’s your favorite TV p_____ ———It’s Animal World. 7. Coffee and hamburgers are u_____ food. 8. My mother hardly ever stays up l_____. 9. Ninety p_____ of the students always use the internet. 10. To stay healthy, we have to eat l_____ junk food and exercise more. Unit 3 1. My mother told me a good friend is like a m . 2. I was a p school student when I was s ... ...

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