
Module 3 Unit 1 She trained hard,so she became a great player later. 导学案 外研版英语九年级上册

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:59次 大小:97446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Heroes 主题内容 主题范畴:人与社会 子主题:对国家和社会有突出贡献的人物 学习目标 1.语言知识:掌握相关单词、短语和句子,并能谈论个人心目中的英雄及其事迹。 2.文化知识:了解不同领域的一些英雄人物,学习他们的宝贵精神,培养刻苦努力、积极向上的人生态度。 3.语言技能:掌握由because,so,so … that引导的表原因和结果的状语从句。 4.学习策略:能读懂关于英雄人物的文章,并能写一篇短文介绍自己心目中的英雄人物。 Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later. 课前预习   请预习下列重点单词、短语和句子,并完成下面的表格及相关训练。 重点单词 名词 1.奖牌;奖章 _____ 2.博士 _____ (n.) _____ 3.课程;学位 _____ 4.意志;决心 _____ (v.aux.) _____ 5.成功;胜利 _____ 动词 6.上(学);出席,参加(事件或活动) _____ 形容词 7.惊人的;极好的 _____ 介词 8.包含;包括 _____ (v.)包括 _____ 代词 9.无论什么;不管什么 _____ 副词 10.在国外;到国外 _____ 11.实在;的确 _____ (adj.)简单的 _____ 重点短语 1.最好的运动员之一 _____       2.停止做某事 _____ 3.再一次 _____ 4.足够好 _____ 5.放弃(努力) _____ 6.其他任何人 _____ 7.坚强的意志 _____ 8.并且;和;还 _____ 根据语境或提示,完成填空。 1.My parents will a_____ a wedding(婚礼) next Tuesday. 2.Lucy's sister got her doctor's _____(学位) two years ago. 3.Everyone is proud of Mr White because he has won the game _____(再一次). 4.Linda looks _____(实在) beautiful in the new dress. 5.The model car looks a_____, doesn't it 6.He has got lots of good friends, i_____ a girl from the US. 7.—Why does Jim spend so much time learning English every day —Because he wants to travel a_____ someday. 8.Deng Yaping was a great player and she got many gold m_____ in the Olympics. 9.Amy never _____(放弃) her dream, so she is very successful. 10.Hearing the doorbell, she stopped _____(洗) the dishes and went to answer the door. 佳句仿写 请在教材中标出下面的句子,并用句中黑体词或短语仿写句子。 1.She's my hero because she's one of the best table tennis players in the world,… 2.She trained hard, so she became a great player later. 3.Her English wasn't good enough when she began. 4.Whatever she does, she never gives up! 5.Deng says that she isn't cleverer than anyone else, but she has a very strong will. 仿写练习 我喜欢英语,因为英语课很有趣。 _____ 李磊熬夜学习,所以他现在很困。 _____ 当玛丽下班时,天色已足够黑了。 _____ 汤姆无论做什么,他总是相信他自己。 _____ 我们在困难面前应拥有坚强的意志。 _____ 口语训练 1.请根据下面的线索复述文章大意。 2.请结合你所积累的单词、短语和句子,尝试描述一下你生活中的榜样。可以从以下几个方面讲述: (1)你的榜样是谁; (2)他/她做过哪些让你印象深刻的事情。 _____ 知识点 She's my hero because she's one of the best table tennis players in the world ... 【自主探究】 辨析because与because of because 引导原因状语从句,通常用来回答why提出的问题,不能与so同时使用 because of 其后可接名词、代词、动名词以及由what引导的从句等 【习题演练】 1.那条路因为积雪太厚被封了。 The road is closed _____ the thick snow. 2.他因为没能通过测试而伤心。  He was sad _____ he didn't pass the exa ... ...

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