
【核心素养目标】Unit1 How can we become good learners Section B 2a-2e表格式教学设计 人教版九年级英语全册

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:85次 大小:206757Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2023-2024学年人教版九年级英语教学设计 Topic Unit 1 How can we became good learners Period4 Section B 2a~2e Analysis of the Teaching Material 本节课是一节阅读课。2a为读前活动,要求学生列出自己所知的好的学习方法并与同伴讨论,旨在导入话题,为阅读作好准备。2b侧重训练阅读的寻读策略,2c提出了关于文章各个细节的问题,需要学生细读文章找到答案。2d-2e为读后活动,2d结合本单元提出的使用词典的学习策略。2e是阅读后延伸性口语交流活动,旨在训练学生口头表达能力的同时,引导学生养成积极的学习态度。 Analysis of the Students 经过本单元前面内容的学习后,学生就如何学习英语这一话题已经有一定的知识储备。对学习英语遇到的困难和解决办法有一定的了解,但需要学生结合自身学习情况,反思自己是否具备优秀学习者应具备的学习习惯和方法。有意识地结合自身实际选择有效学习方式来去的学习上的成功。 Analysis of Teaching Objectives 语言能力 能读懂介绍学习方法的文章; 学习能力 通过阅读文章能够认识到好的学习习惯也是一种好的学习方法,从而培养阅读能力; 思维品质: 通过阅读文章了解到成功的学习者应具备的几个好习惯,思考自己如何保持好习惯才能让自己成为一名成功的学习者; 文化意识 通过阅读文章《你可以怎样成为一名成功的学习者》,认识在学习中,中英语言上的共通性; TeachingImportantand DifficultPoints 1.重点:(1)重点短语和句型。(2)运用适当的阅读策略完成相应的阅读任务。2.难点:能灵活运用恰当的语言就“a good learner”这一话题与同伴进行交流和讨论。 Teaching Procedures Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Intention Step1Lead-in Ask students to brainstorm and say the difficulties in learning English and the good ways of learning English and discuss them with their partners.T:Let's talk about the best ways to learn English.As we all know,learning English is not an easy job with great challenges and difficulties.How can we become a successful English learner Q:What good learning habits should we have Think ofdifficulties in learning English and the good ways and habits of learning English。 读前活动旨在为阅读铺垫,激活学生对阅读话题或者与阅读内容相关的知识。 Step2Pre-reading I Learn the new wordsWalk around in the classroom,and collect their words.While doing this,present the new words and write them on the blackboard:be active in thinkingalways read English aloud both in and out of schooldo a bit reading in English every daystudy with a group sometimes memorize new words as often as possible pay too much attention to the knowledge of grammar connect something new with knowledge and experience I already havereview well what I have learnedlack concentration in class or when doing homework feel nervous about making mistakes 根据老师的指令学习单词。 导入阅读课,激发学生继续阅读的兴趣和动机,同时谈论与阅读的信息相关的问题,为学生顺利阅读提供相关信息支持。 Step2Pre-reading II Ask students to predict what they will read in this passage with the help of the title.Make sure not to read the words in the passage. 根据老师的指令对课文内容进行预测。 通过指导学生捕捉视觉信息中有助于阅读预测的“线索”,如:利用标题等来提供必要的背景,预测课文的内容。 Step3While-reading 1.Let students ... ...

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