

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:51次 大小:57938Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022-2023学年广东省韶关市八年级(下)期末英语试卷 二、语法选择。请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 1.(10分)Once upon a time,there was a farmer who always said bad words to his wife.He told his wife that she was lazy(1)   didn't work hard enough.He thought she was always wasting her time at home while he(2)   hard in the field (田野).The wife got sad and wanted(3)   him that he was wrong.She asked him if they could swap roles (交换角色) for(4)   day.She would do the field work and he would do the housework.The farmer agreed,thinking it would be easy. But when the wife told(5)   what he should do,including milking the cows,feeding the pigs,washing the clothes,and taking care of the hens,he was shocked.Soon,the farmer found out that it was(6)   work in the world for him.He got kicked (被踢) by the cows,and then he hit his head on the(7)   door,and he even forgot to wash the clothes and take care of the hens.When the wife came back(8)   the field,she saw that he didn't finish all of the housework.On the other hand,the wife did the work in the field as well as he did. The farmer felt sorry.He knew that he was wrong about his wife.He should say thank you for her hard work.Because she(9)   the housework for many years.From that day on,he learned to understand his wife and never said bad words to her again.They lived(10)   and helped each other with the housework and field work. (1) A.and B.but C.or (2) A.worked B.was working C.works (3) A.show B.showing C.to show (4) A.a B.an C.the (5) A.he B.him C.his (6) A.hard B.harder C.the hardest (7) A.pig B.pigs C.pigs' (8) A.from B.to C.in (9) A.do B.did C.has done (10) A.happy B.happily C.happiness 三、完形填空。请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 2.(10分)There's always a special place in everyone's heart.For me,the place is my(1)   .Every time I think of it,many people and things will(2)   in my mind. I grew up with my grandparents in a small village.I spent a relaxing(3)   there.In summer,I liked to (4)   dew (露珠) on the grass in the early morning.It was not easy and it took me several days to get one bottle (瓶子).After lunch,I often played games with my friends.It seemed that we didn't have sad things at that time.We always played(5)   outside until the sun went down.I enjoyed watching the sun going down.It was so beautiful that I still(6)   it now.In winter,the roads often became(7)   after the heavy snow.My friends and I were excited about the snowy days because we could have snowball fights and(8)   . Now I live in a city and my hometown has changed a lot.Many(9)   buildings were taken down and many new buildings appeared.I know nothing can stay the same all the time,but to be(10)   ,I really miss the old days in my hometown.Wherever I go,it always holds the most beautif ... ...

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