
Unit 7 Days and Months 测能力2023-2024学年冀教版英语七年级上册单元闯关双测卷(含解析)

日期:2024-09-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:43次 大小:34235Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 Days and Months(测能力)———2023-2024学年冀教版英语七年级上册单元闯关双测卷 满分:100分 一、单选题(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1.—_____ do you listen to music —On Tuesday and Thursday. A. When B.How C.What D.Why 2. The soccer game is _____ October 22nd. A. at B.in C.on D.of 3.—Happy birthday to you! —_____! A. Thank you B.The same to you C. That's all right D.You're welcome 4. I am _____ and today is my_____ birthday. A. twelfth; twelve B. twelfth; twelfth C. twelve; twelfth D. twelve; twelve 5. September is the _____ month of the year. A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. twelfth 6.Chinese President Xi Jinping reviews the armed forces (习近平主席检阅军队) on _____. A. National Day B.Children's Day C.Women's day D.New Year's Day 7. Jerry is _____ years old and he is a middle school student. A. twelve B.twelfth C.eight D.eighth 8. I want to make a _____ for my grandfather to help him remember his birthday and some other days. A. calendar B. cake C. kite D. bag 9._____ you a happy New Year, boys and girls! I _____ you can have fun. A. Hope; wish B. Hope; hope C. Wish; wish D. Wish; hope 10.All the students are _____ at the _____ news. A.excited; exciting B.exciting; excited C.excited; excited D.exciting; exciting 11.May _____ thirty-one days. A.have B.are C.had D.has 12.The boss(老板)often _____ the workers _____ for 12 hours a day. A.make; work B.make; to work C.makes; work D.make; working 13.Jenny likes _____ to the store to buy some clothes. A.go B.goes C.to go D.to going 14.I like to go swimming _____ my summer holidays. A.during B.with C.at D.of 15.We often do many interesting things _____ the summer holiday. A. at B.for C.to D. during 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) Hello! My name is Guo Qiang. I come from No. 6 Middle School in Guangzhou. You can ____1____ me Smart. I like this English name because I want to become ____2____. I’m a 13-year-old boy. I don’t look very tall, ____3____ I am as healthy and strong as other boys. Every day I get up early. I’m interested in all my subjects and I love PE best. Basketball is my favourite sport. I ____4____ a lot about many basketball stars like Kobe, Yi Jianlian and Jeremy Lin. And I ____5____ to be a great basketball player. I ____6____ live in Guangzhou. If you ask me questions about this beautiful city, I can tell you a lot very ____7____. I think it is one of the biggest and ____8____ cities in the world. You can see tall buildings, ____9____ streets and nice parks. People like to visit, work or live here because it is beautiful. Now I’m in ____10____ Seven. If I go to college (大学), the first city I’d like to choose (选择) is Guangzhou. I also want to work in Guangzhou. 1. A. learn B. know C. call 2. A. useful B. clever C. funny 3. A. and B. but C. so 4. A. know B. make C. worry 5. A. hate B. want C. feel 6. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes 7. A. slowly B. carefully C. easily 8. A. worst B. best C. smallest 9. A. dirty B. clean C. loud 10. A. Grade B. Class C. T ... ...

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