
【新课标】Unit 4 Section B (1a-1e) 课件+音视频(人教新目标八上 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:71次 大小:115044457Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级上册 Section B (1a-1e) https://book.21cnjy.com/studio/detail id=2032 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater 通过本节课学习,我能够: 1. 掌握并会使用本节课所学新词汇及目标语言。 2. 听懂他人对周围人和事物作出的评价,提升英语听力 理解能力。 3. 运用英语思维方式与他人谈论自己对身边的人、事物 或对他人才艺展示作出正确、客观的评价,培养逻辑 思维能力。 4. 感受中英文之间的差异,培养跨文化交际意识和民族 文化自信。 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级。 1. hard _____ _____ 2. fast _____ _____ 3. good _____ _____ 4. lazy _____ _____ 5. large _____ _____ 6. young _____ _____ 7. fat _____ _____ 8. early _____ _____ 9. much/many _____ _____ 10. thin _____ _____ 11. old _____ _____ 12. shy _____ _____ 13. delicious _____ _____ 14. expensive _____ _____ harder faster better lazier larger fatter earlier younger more older /elder most thinner hardest fastest best laziest largest youngest fattest earliest thinnest oldest /eldest shyer /shier shyest /shiest more delicious most delicious more expensive most expensive 应用实践类活动 This apple is _____ of all. This apple is _____ of all. the smallest the biggest Look and say 应用实践类活动 Linda Nancy Kate Linda is _____ girl of the three. Kate is _____ girl of the three. the tallest the shortest 应用实践类活动 The green bag is _____. the most expensive ¥ 100.00 ¥ 300.00 ¥ 200.00 The black bag is _____. the cheapest 应用实践类活动 Try to describe these people. 应用实践类活动 I can read the new words. creative performer 有创造力的;创造性的 表演者;演员 adj. n. /kri e t v/ /p (r) f :(r)m (r)/ 学习理解类活动 1a 应用实践类活动 Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart. funniest most creative quietest best most boring most creative loudest worst most serious quietest best funniest 1b Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in 1a. My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know. 应用实践类活动 应用实践类活动 Pair-work Example A: Who is the funniest person you know B: My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know. Who is the most serious person you know A: My English teacher is the most serious person I know. Lead-in Let’s watch a video. 应用实践类活动 What is the video about It is about talent shows. What do you think of these talent shows I think ... Two girls are talking about their school talent show. Let’s learn what they think of the performers and their talents. 1c Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers. Eliza____ Vera____ Steve____ Dennis____ The Math Teachers____ d a e c b 应用实践类活动 Listen again and then choose the right answer. 1. Who was an excellent piano player 2. Were Steve and his dog the funniest A. Vera B. Steve C. Eliza Yes, they were. B. No, they weren’t. √ √ 应用实践类活动 1d Listen again. What do the people say about the performers Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear. Names What people say Eliz ... ...

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