
Module 5 复习课件 -2023-2024学年五年级英语上册(外研版三起)(共42张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:6821375Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 五年级上册 外研版三起 M5 模块复习 M5 Directory Directory Part 01 知识网络 Part 02 知识梳理 Part 03 精讲精练 Part 01 知识网络 Module 5 单元目标 There be句型 祈使句 主题 词汇 固定 搭配 询问和回答数量 There is+ a/an + 可数名词单数 + 地点。 There is+ 不可数名词 + 地点。 There are + 可数名词复数 (s)+地点 give out ,all right child(单数) -- (复数) children in your class so many+可数名词复数 数字: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 其他: crayon,floor,many begin,number,happily Module 5 Sam, please give out the crayons. Part 02 知识梳理 Vocabulary Practice Sentence patterns Words thirteen There are _____ sweets. thirteen Words fourteen There are _____ animals. fourteen Words fifteen There are _____ books. fifteen Words sixteen There are _____ clothes. sixteen Words seventeen There are _____ crayons. seventeen Words eighteen There are _____ girls. eighteen Words nineteen There are _____ strawberries. nineteen Words twenty There are _____ eggs. twenty Words thirty Words forty Words fifty Words sixty Words seventy Words eighty Words ninety Words 你能找出有什么不同吗? three four five six seven eight nine thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 20-90后加 ty 。 twenty 不同重点记, forty 剜去字母 u, thirty、 fifty 很奇怪,跟着 eighty 搞例外。 举办晚会 他们中的所有(成员) 数字 happily Words (  )1.A. my B. her C. he (  )2. A. twenty B. floor C. twelve (  )3. A. out B. on C. the (  )4. A. people B. child C. photos (  )5. A. begin B. many C. some 选出不同类的一项。 C B C B A Let’s spell 字母组合 ou ow 在单词中可发[a ]音:house, flower 字母组合 ear 在单词中可发[ (r)]音:ear, dear 字母组合 air、ear 在单词中可发[e (r)]音:chair, pear ( )1. enough about ( )2. where here ( )3. give six ( )4. bird thirteen ( )5.crayon happy ( )6.ear dear 判断每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。 F T T T F T 按要求写词。 1. twenty-one (中文) _____ 2. child (复数) _____ 3. monkey(复数) _____ 4. let us (缩写形式) _____ 5. family (复数) _____ 6. lost (原形) _____ 7. is(过去式) _____ 8. face(复数) _____ 9. those (单数) _____ 10. dancing (原形) _____ 21 children monkeys Let’s families lose was faces that dance Sentence patterns _____ 你能看见多少张脸? 2. _____ 这儿只有19只蜡笔。 3. _____ 你们教室里多少个学生? 4. _____ 有14个。 How many faces can you see There are only nineteen crayons. How many pupils are there in your class There are fourteen. Sentence patterns 连词成句。 1. out, the , please, crayons , give( .) _____ 2. fifteen, bed, the, shoes, There, under, are ( . ) _____ are, party, Numbers , a , having( .) _____ Please give out the crayons. There are fifteen shoes under the bed. Numbers are having a party. Sentence patterns 连词成句。 4. many ,can, see, How ,faces, you, ( ) _____ 5. there, children, in, twenty, class, are, But, the (.) _____ How many faces can you see But there are twenty children in the class. 选择。 1.There _____ fifty books on the desk. ( ) A.is B ... ...

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