
北师大版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 11 Conflict And Compromise Reading Club 导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:85次 大小:28072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 11 Conflict and Compromise Reading Club学案 【课程标准】 本节课定于高二学年第二学期,本单元涉及冲突和妥协话题,本节课重在拓展相关话题的阅读,促进学生形成多元意识,提升分析和解决问题的能力。 【学习目标】 阅读并讨论处于昏迷并使用呼吸机的人 培养学生批判性思维 【课内预习】参考P119.120单词表和P43课文,查阅词典,完成下列词汇和短语翻译。 life support machine_____expose_____ sensitive_____ temporary_____ approval_____ scared_____ heart attack_____ rob_____ permanent_____ terminal illness_____ unconscious_____ recovery_____ decline_____ severe_____ admit_____ progress_____ loose_____ carpet_____ ankle_____ greed_____ fry_____ request_____ 【问题导学】What are life support machines ——— 【深入探究】阅读P43页文章,小组讨论回答下列问题。 1.回答下列问题 (1)What was the legal case mentioned in the text What were the controversies raised in the case _____ (2)Should people in comas be kept on life machines What’s your opinion Give your reasons. _____ 2.理解课文意思,翻译下列文章句子,并写出句子中的语法点和短语。 (1) The recent case of an American woman, Terri Schiavo, whose husband won a legal battle to have her taken off life support machines after she spent 15 years in a coma-like state, has exposed the many sensitive legal and medical issues that surround the care of coma patients. _____ _____(2)Others claimed that life is scared, which no one has the right to end, but many would say it was the right thing to do for Terri. _____ _____ (3)Terri fell into a coma when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen, causing permanent harm. _____ _____ Although doctors don’t fully understand comas and the process of recovery, it is generally agreed that a patient’s chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma. _____ _____ (5) When there is a minimum of harm to the brain and the coma is brief, patients often return to normal but with some loss of memory or other brain functions. _____ _____ (6) When the harm to the brain is worse and the coma is longer, some patients recover slowly while others show little or no progress over a period of years. _____ _____ 【课堂检测】Complete his speech with the correct form of the words or phrase below mud weep bomb panic soldier frontier civilian incident general appreciation machine gun There have been so many conflicts in modern history that have led to loss of life. I recently watched a documentary online that showed the horror of war. It was about World War l, where millions of young men spent years in 1 _trenches fighting each other. There was a British 2 who was leading a group of 3____ .They were based near the 4_ of the war in Eastern France. They were trying to protect 5__ in a village. One night, many German 6__ were dropped around the area. The villagers 7 _and ran into the night. They were all killed by 8__ fire. The 9___ caused the general so much suffering. He was interviewed as an elderly man and was 10__ as he spoke about it. Although it was a tough documentary to watch, I feel it ... ...

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