
牛津译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 2 Let's Talk Teens Reading课件(共53张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:37次 大小:30638537Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Let’s talk teens Reading II Language points Underline the phrases on the textbook 1. 渴望做某事 (P15) _____ 2. 为(某人)提供(某物) _____ 3. 经历 (P16) _____ 4. 与…看法一致 _____ 5. 导致 _____ 6. 以不同的速度发育 _____ 7. 个头猛窜长高 _____ 8. 平衡日益发展的心理需求 _____ 9. 对独立有新的渴望 (P17) _____ 10.独立做决定 _____ 11.做某事的关键 _____ 12.和某人意见不一致 _____ 13.从某人的角度 _____ 14.经历痛苦 _____ 15.考虑周全 _____ 16.打消某人的顾虑 _____ 17.认输;承认错误 _____ 18.和…作斗争 _____ 19.结果是;后来是 _____ 20. 对待亲子关系紧张的态度 (P18) _____ 21.和某人相处 (P19) _____ 22.对…焦虑 _____ 23.对…表示关心 _____ 24.给某人施加压力 _____ 25.平静下来 _____ 1. 渴望做某事 long to do sth. (P15) 2. 为(某人)提供(某物) provide sb. with sth. 3. 经历 go through (P16) 4. 与…看法一致 see eye to eye with sb. (on sth.) 5. 导致 result in 6. 以不同的速度发育 develop at a different rate 7. 个头猛窜长高 shoot up in height 8. 平衡日益发展的心理需求 balance developing mental needs 9. 对独立有新的渴望 have a new desire for independence (P17) 10.独立做决定 make decisions on your own 11.做某事的关键 the key to doing sth. 12.和某人意见不一致 disagree with sb. 13.从某人的角度 from one's point of view 14.经历痛苦 go through the pain 15.考虑周全 think sth. Through 16.打消某人的顾虑 address one's concern 17.认输;承认错误 back down 18.和…作斗争 struggle with 19.结果是;后来是 turn out 20. 对待亲子关系紧张的态度 attitude to parent-child tensions (P18) 21.和某人相处 get along with (P19) 22.对…焦虑 be anxious about 23.对…表示关心 show concern for 24.给某人施加压力 put stress on 25.平静下来 calm down Homework Part B on page 63. 1.go through 2.get along 3.resulted in 4.back down 5.turned out 6.depend on /upon 7.has shot up 8.cheer up argument P16 Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. (1)a conversation in which people disagree with each other angrily or noisily n.[C,U]争吵,争论,辩论 have an argument with sb.( about/ over sth.) We had an argument with the waiter about the bill. She got into an argument with her friend. argument (2)a statement or set of statements that you use in order to try to convince people that your opinion about something is correct n.[C]论据,理由,论点 an argument for/ against sth. Her argument for the trip is that it can broaden our horizons. His argument against the plan sounds reasonable. argue with sb. about/ over sth. 和某人争论某事 argue for/ against doing sth 为支持/反对某事而争论 argue sb. into/ out of doing sth 劝某人做/不做某事 argue vi.争吵,争论 vi.&vt.论证 一、学习argument一词的用法,完成练习。 1.However, we broadly agree that there's a difference between a child and an adult, even if we might argue _____ the transition point. 2. One day they had a heated _____ (argue) about where to spend their summer holiday. 3. However, Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rud ... ...

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