
Unit 4 What's the best movie theater? Section B(1a-1e)课件(共51张PPT)八年级英语上册(人教版)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:13104991Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater Section B 1a-1e Learning Aims 语言能力: 词汇:creative, performer, creative, performer, most creative, the best performer. 句型: Who was the best performer? Eliza was the best performer. My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person I know. 文化意识:学会努力做生活中最好的表演者。 思维品质:: 能够从听力材料中获取关于表演者的特征的信息。 学习能力:学会观察主题图,从图中发现细节信息;学会在听力练习中捕捉并记录关键词。学会借助图片、场景、人物等信息进行预测,注意捕捉关键信息。 Presentation Revision Look and say. Who knows the most? 1.Which is the longest wall in the world The Great Wall is the _____ wall in the world. longest 2.Which is the longest river in China? Changjiang River is the _____ river in China. longest 3.Which is the heaviest animal on the land(陆地) Elephant is the _____ animal in the world. heaviest 4.Which is the largest square in the world Tian'anmen Square is the _____ square in the world. largest 5.Which is the tallest animal in the world? Giraffe is the _____ animal in the world. tallest funny funnier the funniest … is funny. … is funnier. … is the funniest of the three. Some famous performers: Revision creative more creative the most creative … is creative. … is more creative. … is the most creative of the three. Revision A panda is _____ (heavy). A tiger is _____ (heavy)than Amy. An elephant is _____ (heavy)of the three. heavy heavier the heaviest Revision good better This car is _____. the best of all Revision The first dress is _____ (expensive). The second dress is _____ (expensive) than the first one. The third dress is _____ (expensive) of the three. ¥800 ¥1200 ¥2000 expensive the most expensive more expensive Revision Cui Yongyuan is funny. Feng Gong is funnier than Cui Yongyuan. Zhao Benshan is the funniest of all. Cui Yongyuan Feng Gong Zhao Benshan Wang Zhizhi is tall. Yi Jianlian is taller than Wang Zhizhi. Yao Ming is the tallest. Bai Yansong is _____ of the four . the most serious Practice Presentation Practice Look and say. The green bag is _____. more expensive ¥ 100.00 ¥ 300.00 ¥ 200.00 expensive the most expensive Yu Heping is creative. Liu Qian is _____ than Yu Heping. more creative Edison is _____of the three. the most creative A B C A is creative. C is the most creative of the three. B is more creative. 1a Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart. funniest most creative quietest best most boring most creative loudest worst most serious quietest best funniest Who do you think is the most creative scientist I think… 陈宝国 王志文 Who do you think is the funniest actor I think… What do you think is the most popular program I think… What do you think is the best book I think… What do you think is the most interesting movie What do you think is the worst TV show What do you think is the most popular music group What do you think is the best book Who do you think is the funni ... ...

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