
人教版(2024)七年级英语上册 Unit 2 We're Family!Section A Grammar focus 练习题(含解析)

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:38次 大小:25088Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版七年级英语上册 unit 2 we are family Section A Grammar focus 练习题 一、根据首字母写单词 1. This is my s_____. Her name is Mary. 2. My father and mother are my p_____. 3. His father's father is his g_____. 4. My aunt's daughter is my c_____. 5. These are my b_____, Jack and Tom. 二、适当形式填空 1. Here _____ (be) my family photos. 2. Those _____(be not) my pencils. 3. _____(be) these your books 4. Who _____ (be) the girls 5. This is _____(he) sister. 三、句型转换 1. That is my friend. (改为复数句) Those _____ my_____. 2. These are her brothers. (改为单数句) This_____ her_____. 3. Is this your sister (作肯定回答) Yes,_____. 4. Those are my grandparents. (改为一般疑问句) _____those your grandparents 5. They are my brothers. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____they 四、阅读短文,用所给词的适当形式填空 Hello! I'm Tom. I have a big family. My father is John and my mother is Mary. They _____(have) a son and a daughter. The son is me and the daughter is my sister, Linda. My_____ (grandparent) are Jeff and Helen. They are very nice. My uncle is Bob and my aunt is Alice. They have a son._____ (he) name is Tony. We are all happy. 五、补全对话 A: Look at this picture. 1_____ B: Yes, it is. A: Who's this B: 2_____ A: 3_____ B: They are my parents. A: 4_____ B: Yes, she is. A: Who's the boy B: 5_____ A. Is this your family photo B. It's my sister. C. Who are they D. It's me. E. Is she your sister 答案 一、1. sister 2. parents 3. grandfather 4. cousin 5. brothers 二、1. are 2. aren't 3. Are 4. are 5. his 三、1. are; friends 2. is; brother 3. Yes, it is. 4. Are 5. Who are 四、1. have 2. grandparents 3. His 五、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. E 5. D 解析 一、 1. 从“Her name is Mary.”可知是女性,以“s”开头的家庭成员,所以是“sister(姐妹)”。 2. “father and mother(父亲和母亲)”合起来就是“parents(父母)”。 3. “father's father(父亲的父亲)”是“grandfather(祖父;外祖父)”。 4. “aunt's daughter(阿姨的女儿)”是“cousin(堂姐妹;表姐妹)”。 5. 从“Jack and Tom”可知是男性,而且是复数,所以是“brothers(兄弟)”。 二、 1. “photos”是复数,所以用“are”。 2. “Those”是复数,否定形式用“aren't”。 3. “these”是复数,用“Are”开头。 4. “the girls”是复数,用“are”。 5. “sister”是名词,前面用形容词性物主代词“his”。 三、 1. “that”的复数是“those”,“is”的复数是“are”,“friend”的复数是“friends”。 2. “these”的单数是“this”,“are”的单数是“is”,“brothers”的单数是“brother”。 3. “Is this... ”的肯定回答是“Yes, it is.” 4. 陈述句变一般疑问句,把“are”提到句首。 5. 对“my brothers”提问,用“Who are”。 四、 1. 主语“They”是复数,动词用原形“have”。 2. “My”后接名词,“grandparent”要用复数“grandparents”。 3. 修饰名词“name”用形容词性物主代词“His”。 五、 1. 从回答“Yes, it is.”可知是一般疑问句,问“这是你的家庭照片吗?”,所以选 A。 2. 问“这是谁?”,回答“是我妹妹。”,选 B。 3. 回答“他们是我的父母。”,所以问“他们是谁?”,选 C。 4. 回答“Yes, she is.”可知是一般疑问句,问“她是你的妹妹吗?”,选 E。 5. 问“这个男孩是谁?” ... ...

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