
【高效课堂】人教新目标版(2024)七年级上册Unit 2 We're Family Section A 1a-1d优质课件+素材

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:55次 大小:85996222Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 2 We’re Family Section A What is your family like Section A 1a-1d 人教新目标版(2024) 七年级上册 主讲人:XXX CONTENTS 目录 01 Lead-in 03 While-listening 05 Summary 07 Exercises 02 Pre-listening 04 Post-listening 06 Language points 08 Homework Learning objectives 能够识记理解本节课上遇到的新单词, 短语及目标句型; 能够用目标句型谈论家庭关系和家庭的人员组成。 Language competence 能够结合图片,能够对听力内容进行预测和预判,能听懂并匹配对话,提高听的能力。能够根据听力输入,培养说的能力。 Learning ability 能够借助可视化思维工具,通过对比学习,发现差异并对此进行分析,整合,将学习内容结构化,提升思维品质。 Thinking quality 能认识到家庭对每一个人的重要性,提升营造和谐家庭关系的意识,热爱家人,珍惜与家人相聚的美好时光。 Cultural awareness Part. 01 Lead in Unit Goals In this unit, you will 1. talk about your family with the simple present tense (do). 2. identify ownership using -’s. 3. describe family members in a photo. 4. explore the meaning of being a family. mean/mi n/ 意思是;打算 含do的一般现在时 用’s确认所属关系 描述照片中的家庭成员 探究作为一个家庭的意义 Look and share Look at the photo and tell what it is about. How many people are there in the photo What’s the relationship of the people in the photo What do you think of the family Who are the people in your family Six. Please label their identity. 请注明他们的身份。 This is a _____ family. They are _____. family happy Do you know who are they in a family Look and share mother father grandfather grandmother daughter son granddaughter grandson Watch their conversations and learn more. Look at the following family tree(家谱). Let’s learn. Grandpa Grandfather Grandpa Grandfather Grandma Grandmother Grandma Grandmother Aunt Uncle Dad father Mum mother Aunt Uncle Me Brother Cousin Cousin Cousin Cousin Let’s learn. 在中国,母亲的兄妹被称为 “姨姨”,而我父亲的兄妹被称作 “姑姑”,在英语中,他们都被称为 “aunt”。 aunt, 指父母那一辈除母亲之外的所有女性长辈,相当于汉语中的 “姑母; 姨母; 伯母; 婶母; 舅母”。前面有不定冠词修饰时,应用an。注意:a+以辅音音素开头的词; an+以元音音素开头的词。 Let’s learn about the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures. aunt 姑母 姨母 伯母 婶母 舅母 aunt Let’s learn. 在中国,母亲的兄弟被称为 “舅舅”,而我父亲的兄弟被称作 “叔叔/伯伯”,在英语中,他们都被称为 “uncle”。 uncle, 指父母那一辈除父亲之外的所有男性长辈,相当于汉语中的“舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父”。前面有不定冠词修饰时,应用an。 Let’s learn about the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures. uncle uncle 舅父 叔父 伯父 姑父 姨父 Let’s learn. Let’s learn about the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures. 注意 aunt/uncle与人名连用时, 书写与汉语习惯相反, 要将称呼写在人名前, 且首字母要大写。 如:Uncle Sam is very kind. 萨姆叔叔很友善。 Aunt Amy is my mother’s sister. 埃米姨妈是我妈妈的姐姐。 Let’s learn. 在中国,舅舅的孩子被称为 “表兄”,而叔叔/伯伯的孩子被称作 “堂兄”,在英语中,他们都被称为 “cousin”。 cous ... ...

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