
Module 5 易错题检测卷-小学英语五年级上册 外研版(三起)(含答案)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:13次 大小:144647Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 5 易错题检测卷-小学英语五年级上册 外研版(三起)(含答案) 一、单选题 1.Please give _____ your pencil. _____ pencil isn’t here. ( ) A.me; My B.I; Mine C.me; Mine 2.I want two _____of cheese. ( ) A、kilo B、kilos C、half a kilo 3.There is a TV show _____ dogs. ( ) A.in B.with C.about 4._____is that It’s a chair. ( ) A.What B.Where C.What colour 5._____ out the books, please! ( ) A.Giving B.Gives C.Give 二、情景选择 6.We have got enough ____everyone. ( ) A.for B.to C.of 7.We have got enough _____everyone. ( ) A.to B.of C.for 8.Li Ming is _____ fruit. ( ) A.eat B.eating C.to eat 9. It’s nine o'clock. It’s late _____ school. ( ) A.to B.for C.with 10._____bread do you want ( ) A.What B.How much C.How many 三、用单词正确形式填空 11.It's eight o'clock. Class (begin). 12.They bought ten (crayon) yesterday. 13.I (buy) twenty-four pencils yesterday. 14.There are twenty-nine (child) in the class now. 15.Did you play (happy) 四、补全句子 16.I b (买) the T-shirt yesterday. 17.There are only nineteen (蜡笔) on the desk. 18. (怎样) did you get there 19.There are three c (蜡笔). 20.How many p (小学生) are there in your class 五、中英互译:单词/短语 中英互译。 21.这是我们的新英语老师。 22.班里有十个男孩和三十个女孩。 23.Welcome to our class. 24.And only ten girls. 25.This is our new PE teacher. 六、选内容补全对话/短文 Mike: Hello, Bill. 26 Bill: I lost my bag. Mike: 27 Bill: I lost it in the playground(在操场上). Mike: What colour is it Bill: 28 Mike: What was in it Bill: 29 Mike: Oh, Look! I found a bag in the playground just now(刚才). 30 Bill: Yes, it is. Thank you very much. Mike: You are welcome. A.It’s black. B.What’s the matter with you C.My new books and pens. D.Where did you lose it E.Is this your bag 七、阅读选择 Hello, my name is Xiaoming. I'm eleven years old. I live in Haikou. There are forty-two students in our class. Half of them are boys. Lucy is my best friend. She is ten years old. She lives in Sanya. Last Saturday we went to the supermarket together. We bought a lot of food for our picnic. We ate some bread and drank some milk for our lunch. We were very happy. 31.Where does Xiaoming live ( ) A.Haikou. B.Sanya. C.Beijing. 32.How many girls in our class ( ) A.42. B.21. C.22. 33.How old is Lucy ( ) A.10. B.12. C.11. 34.Where did they go last Saturday ( ) A.Sanya. B.Haikou. C.Supermarket. 35.Did they feel happy ( ) A.Yes, they did. B.No, they didn't. C.I don't know. 八、阅读判断 Sam: Hello, Mike. How many pupils are there in your class Mike: There are fifty pupils. Sam: How many desks and chairs are there in your class Mike: There are fifty desks and fifty chairs. Sam: Oh, no. There are forty nine desks and fifty chairs. Mike: There is a broken(坏了的) desk. My teacher takes it to mend(修理). Sam: Oh, yes. 36.There are forty desks in the class. ( ) 37.There are forty nine pupils in the class. ( ) 38.A desk is broken. ( ) 39.Two chairs are broken ... ...

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