
专题04 阅读还原(原卷版+解析版)2023年辽宁省中考英语真题分类汇编

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:79次 大小:190776Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题04 阅读还原(原卷版) 鞍山 阅读还原5选5 Have you ever forgotten where your socks are when you wake up in the morning Can you remember what you ate for lunch a week ago 41 But now you should be thankful. Scientists from the University of Toronto found that forgetting is actually a key part of learning. Clearing out unnecessary information can help our brains work better. 42 Scientists say that this may have something to do with the environment we live in. 43 For example, a supermarket cashier (收银员) meets many people every day and will probably only remember them for a short time. But a designer who often meets his or her customers will remember longer. That’s because our brains keep making new neurons (神经元) from stem cells (干细胞), said Paul Frankland, a professor at the University of Toronto. There is a special area in our brains called the hippocampus (海马体). 44 When new neurons go into the hippocampus, they renew our old memories. However, sleep has a great influence on our memories. 45 Sleep helps the brain store and keep new facts and information, said Matthew Walker from the University of California. A.What kind of information is unnecessary B.It is important for us when we learn and remember things. C.You may think that being forgetful is not a good thing. D.When we don’t have enough sleep, we may have a hard time remembering new information. E.In an environment that is always changing, our brains may require us to remember less. 本溪,辽阳,葫芦岛、铁岭(无) 朝阳 阅读还原7选5 We all know that paper-making, gunpowder, the compass and the art of printing are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China. But have you heard of another important invention—the abacus(算盘) It’s said that Li Shou(隶首) invented the abacus. 36 Some researchers believe the abacus has a longer history than the other calculators(计算器) in the world. In China, people used abacuses to do calculations for thousands of years before people use electronic calculators in daily lives. 37 It has many beads(珠子). Each bead above the abacus stands for five, and each bead below stands for one. By moving the beads up or down, one can do all kinds of calculations. It is a joy to watch a skilled hand use an abacus. Fingers move, beads knock, and after a few seconds, the result comes out. 38 So it was taught in many schools. Wherever there was a need for calculations, an abacus would come into sight. Today, because we are used to using electronic calculators, we don’t have many chances to see an abacus in our daily lives. 39 However, the abacus still plays an important role in certain situations. The abacus is one of the important inventions in Chinese history. It used to make a big difference to Chinese people’s lives. 40 It is our national treasure. It is one of the reasons why we are proud of China. A.Many young people have not even heard of the word “abacus”. B.So the abacus is a symbol of wealth for traders in China. C. ... ...

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