
外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 5 6 模块复习课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:76次 大小:392032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 外研社五年级英语上 M5 M5 单词 crayon 蜡笔 2. begin 开始 3. floor 地板 4. happily 幸福地;愉快地 5. many 许多 6. nineteen 十九 7. fifteen 十五 8. thirteen 十三 9. fourteen 十四 10. sixteen 十六 M5 单词 11. seventeen 十七 12. eighteen 十八 13. forty 四十 14. fifty 五十 15. thirty 三十 16. sixty 六十 17. seventy 七十 18. eighty 八十 19. ninety 九十 M5 短语 give out 分发 all right 好,行 in the tree 在树上 in the class 在班里 at the zoo 在动物园 on the floor 在地板上 have a party 举行派对 M5 短语 {表达某地有某物} 【句型结构】 ●There is(a/an/one)+可数名词单数/不可数名词(+地点). ●There are+基数词+可数名词复数(+地点). ★该句型遵守“就近原则”,离be动词最近的名词是单数用is,若是复数用are. e.g. There is a cat under the bed. There is some water in the glass. There are three dogs in the room. There are two pencils and one pen in my bag. M5 短语 2. {现在进行时} 【句型j结构】主语+be动词+动词-ing. e.g. Jack is listening to music. The children are playing football in the playground. I am doing my homework. M5 短语 3. {so many和so much} “这么多” ●so many+可数名词复数 ●so much+不可数名词 e.g. There are so many flowers in the park. There is so much water on the floor. M5 短语 4. {问某处有多少人/多少物} 【句型结构】问:How many+可数名词复数+are there+地点? 答:There is/are+基数词./基数词. e.g. -How many students are there in your class. -There are fifty students in my class. / Fifty. M 6 单 词 well 好;熟练地 think 想;认为 fan 狂热仰慕者;迷 swam(swim过去式)游泳 slow 慢的 M 6 单 词 5. healthy 健康的 6. team 运动队;球队 7. really 很;非常 8. catch 抓住;接住 9. fantastic 极好的 10. past 过去 M 6 短 语 be good at 擅长 jump high 跳得高 fun fast 跑得快 jump far 跳得远 catch the ball 接球 pass the ball 传球 in the past 在过去 not…at all 一点儿也不 M 6 知 识 点 {问对方是否能做某事} 【句型结构】问:Can+主语+动词原形(+其他)? 答:Yes, 主语+can./No,主语+can’t. e.g. -Can Sam play football –Yes, he can. -Can you sing well – No, I can’t. M 6 知 识 点 2. {描述某人能做好某事} 【句型结构】主语+can+动词(短语)原形+well. ★well 在这里是副词,修饰动词。 e.g. She can dance well. M 6 知 识 点 3. {表达某人擅长做某事} 【句型结构】主语+be good at+名词/动词(短语)-ing形式+其他. ★拓展:be good to 对……好 be good for 对……有好处 be good with 与……相处得好 e.g. She is good at English. I am good at dancing. M 6 知 识 点 4. {描述过去发生的事情} 【句型结构】主语+动词(短语)过去式(+过去时间). e.g. My mother went shopping last night. M 6 知 识 点 5. 常见不规则动词过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式 is was am was are were swim swam do did fly flew go went read read get got leave left sing sang buy bought take took eat ate have had teach taught see saw win won meet met run ran drink drank lose lost tell told ring rang Thank you! ... ...

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