
【精彩课堂】Unit 6 Section B 2a-2c教学课件+内嵌视频(人教新目标七年级上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:133959481Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 Do you like bananas Section B 2a-2c 人教版新目标 七年级上册 Let’s learn and take notes. Let’s learn adv. 很好地;充分地;满意地; 适当地 do well in=be good at擅长于 adj. 良好的;健康的;适宜的 n. 井;源泉 well [wel] Let’s learn and take notes. Let’s learn adj.健康的 unhealthy adj.不健康的 health n.健康 healthily adv.健康地 healthy [ helθi] Let’s learn and take notes. Let’s learn vt. 需要;希望;应该;缺少 want to do(原形) sth. “想要做某事” want [w nt] Let’s learn and take notes. Let’s learn adv. 真正地 real adj.真正的 really[ ri li] Let’s learn and take notes. Let’s learn n. 问题 no question 毫无疑问 answer the question 回答这个问题 question[ kwest n] What do you think of her 提示:教师引导学生说出tall,strong,healthy等形容词 Do you know her? beautiful Gu Ailing lovely strong healthy We need more Sports Star candidates like Gu Ailing. Do you want to come? Rules: 完成三轮选拔 获奖方式: 1,回答问题 2,主动上台表演并表现优秀 奖品: 冠军组:获得与谷爱凌的同款健康食谱及食谱实物兑现 季军组:获得与谷爱凌的合影一张 亚军组:获得“体育之星”奖状一张 初赛 半决赛 决赛,获得金牌最多者成为冠军-“体育之星” _____ 校园体育之星选拔大赛 Campus Sports Star Selection Competition Find healthy food around you! 发现身边的健康食物! Round1: 校园体育之星选拔大赛 Campus Sports Star Selection Competition If you want to be a sports star, will you choose healthy or unhealthy food 2a Which food do you think is healthy Check(√) Yes, Maybe or No. 你认为哪种食物健康?在Yes, Maybe 或 No下打勾。 提示:让学生补充一些食物在他的课堂作业卡中,最后活动要用。 Food Yes Maybe No fruit vegetable eggs chicken hamburgers ice-cream Add more healthy food you know on the sheet. I think … is/are healthy. I think ...may be healthy. I think … is/are unhealthy. A: What do you like for breakfast /lunch/dinner B: I like… Think and say. Know you 校园体育之星选拔大赛 Campus Sports Star Selection Competition Congratulations, you entered the semi-finals. 恭喜你,通过初赛 成功入围半决赛 校园体育之星选拔大赛 Campus Sports Star Selection Competition Round2: 提示:老师说Do you know more healthy food? Let’s learn from the sports star. Look,here is a article about her. Where ..... Let’s predict Predict the main idea with the pictures and the title. Q1: What’s the lady’s job A1: A sports star who plays volleyball. Q2: What’s the passage maybe about A2: A sports star’s eating habits. Sports Star Eats Well! Let’s read 2b Read the magazine article and answer questions. Q1: What type is the passage A. A story. B. An interview(采访). C. A report(报告). Q2: What’s the sports star’s name A2: Cindy Smith √ Let’s read 2b Read the magazine article and circle the food words. Let’s read 根据Cindy对于下列食物的喜好,在相应单词后打钩或画叉。 fruit banana orange apple salad hamburger chicken ice-cream Let’s read Read the magazine article and draw pictures about them. Meals Likes Dislikes Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dessert ... ...

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