

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:6178098Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    锡北片2023秋学期期中考试 初二英语 答案 2023.11 第Ⅰ卷 客观题 (共70分) 听力测试(20分) 1--5 ABACB 6--10 ACBCA 11--15 BCACA 16--20 CCACB 二、单项选择 ( 10分) 21--25 BABDC 26--30 BBDCC 三、完形填空 (10分) 31--35 BABDA 36--40 CABAD 四、阅读理解 (30分) 41--43 DAC 44--47 CABD 48--51 BDAB 52--55 BADC 第Ⅱ卷 主观题 (共50分) 五、词汇运用 (10分) 56. cost 57. smiling 58. attend 59. during 60. Luckily 61. weight 62. climbers’ 63. stuck 64. real 65. helpless 六、综合阅读 (20分) 第一节 (10分) 66. won 67. but 68. to try 69. from 70. best 71. themselves 72. daily 73. example 74. friendly 75. heroes 第二节 (10分) 76. Hard-working people. 77. Work is helpful to health. 78. Not only unhappy but also worried. / (They feel) Unhappy and worried. 79. By taking part in some activities. 80. A sense of fulfillment/achievement/happiness/health ... 七、书面表达 (20分) Dear Mary, Thank you so much for your email. I’m very happy to tell you something about myself. I’m tall with a round face. My hair is short. I’m helpful. I often help people in need. There are many subjects in our school and I like English best. I love sports, so I am in our school basketball club. Each term, we go on a school trip. It’s great. I have lots of fun at school. I like DIY very much. I enjoy making something new and I can learn a lot from it. Once I made a card for my mother on Mother’s Day. She was very happy. It made me feel great. What about you I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Li Hua出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建 出卷网 创建

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