

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:29次 大小:5709204Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    1.A 【原文】W: What a hot day, isn’t it M: Yes. But the weather report says it will rain tomorrow. 2.B 【原文】M: Betty, are you going to take part in the Clean-Up Day on Friday W: Sure. Everyone in the city should take action to improve the environment. 3.B 【原文】W: I can’t believe you swam two hundred metres in such a short time, Tom! M: Thanks. I’m pleased with the result. 4.C 【原文】M: Hi, Emily. This is my uncle. He’s a doctor. W: Nice to meet you. 5.C 【原文】W: I need to fix this table. It’s not straight. M: You’ll need to use tools. I can lend you some. 6.B 【原文】W: Kate is really good at drawing. M: Yes, she goes to drawing lessons once a week. 7.A 【原文】M: Can I ask for an interview with Mr. Jones, please W: Yes, how about Wednesday, at 3 p.m. 8.B 【原文】W: Which colour do you prefer M: Well, it’s for the bedroom, so green would be more relaxing than red. 9.A 【原文】M: I’ve got some chocolate. Can I give some to your dog W: No, thanks. Dogs get very sick if they eat chocolate. 10.C 【原文】M: I love eating meat. It’s so tasty. It makes us strong. W: I disagree. It’s not good to eat too much meat. It’s not healthy. 11.B 12.A 【原文】W: Jim, do you see the shopping list anywhere M: Yes, it’s here, Mum. Do you want to know what’s on it W: Yes, please. Tell me what’s on it so far. M: Pork, potatoes, carrots and milk. W: OK. Can you add green vegetables, bananas, rice and fish Aunt June is coming on Sunday so we’d better get some cakes. M: Why don’t we make some sandwiches for Sunday too It would be afternoon tea! W: Good idea. Can you think about what kind of sandwiches we should make M: Sure. 13.C 14.A 15.C 【原文】As people get older, they have to decide on the things they want to do or hope to do before they get too old. The wish list idea comes from a film. It is about two people with cancer. They decide to do something meaningful before they die. On my wish list, there are lots of places I would like to visit. I hope to see the Palace Museum in Beijing and visit the Sydney Opera House. I would also like to run a marathon because it is very challenging! 16.B 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C 【原文】Hi, everyone. Welcome, let me show you around the library. There are different areas for different types of books. This area is for fiction. It is the largest area because fiction is the most popular type. You can find different types of books here, for example science fiction, mysteries and drama. The area at the back is for books on history and geography. Those shelves beside the windows hold different magazines. You can find English and Chinese magazines there. If you like reading e-books, you can join our e-library. It costs eight dollars per month. We often organize events in the library. Sometimes we invite writers to talk about their books and we also have events for children. For example, we had “Saturday Stories” last week. The children listened to wonderful stories and had great fun. OK, so would yo ... ...

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