
【人教新目标英语】八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake ? 基础知识检测【含参考答案】

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:32次 大小:995197Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 【人教新目标英语】八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 基础知识检测练习 一、词汇积累 A.基础单词 1.摇动v.&n. 2.玉米n. 3.盘子n. 4.机器 n. 5.温度n. 6.pot n. 7.yogurt n. 8.pepper n. 9. popcorn n. 10.watermelon n. B.核心短语 1.一勺盐 2.一片奶酪 3.混合;融合 4.打开 5.把......加人. 6.用......装满 7.用.....盖住 C.词汇拓展 1.final adj.→ adv. 2.serve v.→ n. 3.thank v.→ adj. 4.travel v.→ n. 5.tradition n.→ adj. 6.celebrate v.→ n. 二、经典语句 A.阅读下列各句,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 1.首先,挖一个坑。然后把树放进坑里。 First, a .Then, put the tree in it. 2.下一步,把牛奶倒进搅拌机中。 , the milk the blender. 3. 秋天是感恩食物的时节。 It's a time to food in the autumn. 4.用它和一些蔬菜来招待你的朋友们。 it your friends with some vegetables. 5.你知道制作火鸡的方法吗 Do you know make turkey B.根据句意、首字母或音标提示完成句子。 1. Of all the four seasons, I like a best because the weather is cool and there are all kinds of fresh fruit. 2. People in our country often s hands when they meet for the first time. 3.Eating too much s is bad for your teeth. 4. Would you like some more bread and / b t / 5.In the store, you can buy all kinds of / s nw t s/. 三、语法填空 A.用括号内所给单词的正确形式完成句子。 1.It's a (traditional) to eat zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival. 2.The bottle is full.But that one is empty, so my mother is (fill) it with water. 3. The building is so famous that many (travel) come to visit it every year. 4. —How about (celebrate) the New Year together —That's a great idea! 5. Please add more (honey) to the tea. It's not sweet(甜的)enough. B.选择 how many 或 how much补全句子。 1. is this dress —It's $ 20 2. girls are there in your class 3. bananas do we need to make a banana milk shake 4. yogurt do you want —I want a cup of yogurt. 5. lettuce do we need 四、语篇填空 用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。 piece on health one final ready add how I like chicken hamburgers. Let me tell you 1. to make a chicken hamburger.2. ,check you have all the ingredients.You need two 3. of bread, some chicken, lettuce, one spoon of cheese and some relish. Next, put the chicken 4. one piece of bread. Put the lettuce on the chicken. Then, 5. some cheese to the lettuce.6. , put another piece of bread on top.Now, the great chicken hamburger is 7. .You can enjoy it. But you shouldn't eat hamburgers often, because they are 8. . 【人教新目标英语】八年级上册Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake 基础知识检测练习 参考答案 一、词汇积累 A.基础单词 1.摇动v.&n. shake 2.玉米n. corn 3.盘子n. plate 4.机器 n. robot 5.温度n. temperature 6.pot n. 锅 7.yogurt n. 酸奶 8.pepper n. 胡椒 9. popcorn n. 爆米花 10.watermelon n. 西瓜 B.核心短语 1.一勺盐 a spoon of salt 2.一片奶酪 a peice of chase 3.混合;融合 mix up 4.打开 turn on 5.把...加入 add...to 6.用......装满 fill...with 7.用...盖住 cover...with C.词汇拓展 1.final adj.→ finally adv. 2.serve v.→ servant n. 3.thank v.→ thankful adj. 4.travel v.→ traveller n. 5.tradition n.→ ... ...

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