
Unit 8 Section B(3a-Self+check)写作课课件+音视频(新目标八上Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:40385222Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教八上英语同步精品课件 人教版八年级上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 3a-Self check 人教版八上英语同步备课精品课件 写作优质课 人教版八上英语同步备课精品课件 1.学习本课新词汇:rice noodles米线,chicken soup鸡汤 cut…into 把……切成……,one by one 掌握句型:It is time to do something.做某事的时间。 2.通过完成云南米线的菜谱,能够运用祈使句和表示顺序的连接词 First…Next…Then…Finally…描述食物的制作过程,能够说出云南 米线的制作材料和制作过程。 3.运用掌握的知识和写作策略构思来描述自己喜爱的菜肴的制作过 程,写出食谱,介绍家乡美食。 4.通过小组讨论,能够乐于与同伴分享,接纳建议修改作文,提高 写作的自我效能感。积极参与合作学习,学会分享互助。 学习目标 How to make a cheese sandwich First, put some on a piece of bread. Next, cut up some . Put the tomato and cut up an onion. Then,put some on the cheese. Finally, put bread on top. Next, put some on the sandwich. butter tomatoes on the sandwich cheese lettuce another piece of Finally, ____ the turkey ____ thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potaotes. When it is ready, _____ the turkey ___ a large plate and _____ it ____ gravy. Then, ____ the turkey ___ a hot oven and cook it for a few hours. Next, ____ the turkey ____this bread mix. First, _____ some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. How to make a turkey dinner mix together fill with put in place on cover with cut into Have you ever had Yunnan rice noodles It’s really wonderful. Do you know what Ingredients (食材) we need to make the delicious rice noodles rice noodles chicken soup chicken lettuce eggs Yunnan Rice Noodles “过桥米线”是云南滇南地区特有的食品,已有百多年历史,五十多年前传至昆明。过桥米线由四部分组成:一是汤料覆盖有一层滚油;二是佐料;三是主料(为各种肉片)及辅料;四是主食,即用水略烫过的米线。鹅油封面,汤汁滚烫,但不冒热气。 Legend(传说) about the noodles 过桥米线已有一百多年的历史。相传,清朝时滇南蒙自市城外有一湖心小岛,一个秀才到岛上读书,秀才贤慧勤劳的娘子常常做了他爱吃的米线送去给他当饭,但等出门到了岛上时,米线已不热了。后来一次偶然送鸡汤的时候,秀才娘子发现鸡汤上覆盖着厚厚的那层鸡油有如锅盖一样,可以让汤保持温度,如果把佐料和米线等吃时再放,还能更加爽口。于是她先把肥鸡、筒子骨等熟好清汤,上覆厚厚鸡油;米线在家烫好,而不少配料切得薄薄的到岛上后用滚油烫熟,之后加入米线,鲜香滑爽。此法一经传开,人们纷纷仿效,因为到岛上要过一座桥,也为纪念这位贤妻,后世就把它叫做"过桥米线"。 过桥米线已被列入非物质文化遗产。 3a Read the recipe below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. cook next wash finally have enjoy first cut Yunnan Rice Noodles In Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to _____ rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables.) _____, _____ the lettuce and cut it up. _____, ____ the chicken into pieces. Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over ... ...

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