
译林版(2020) 必修第一册 Unit 3 Getting Along with Others Extended reading课件(共48张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:40次 大小:3082743Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Getting along with others Extended reading Poem Friends are like books. You don't need a lot of them as long as they are good. Friends are like stars. You don't always see them,but you know they're always there. Friends are like wine.the older,the better. Friends are like diamonds.precious and rare. Friendship is very _____ to us . important 朋友如书籍,在精不在多。 朋友如繁星,默默相伴。 朋友如美酒,日久而香醇。 朋友如钻石,珍贵而稀奇。 to talk about (Adapted from “Of Friendship”, an essay written by Francis Bacon, a great English writer, scientist and philosopher) Francis Bacon (1561–1626) Bacon's book and articles Essay are brief, non-fiction compositions that describe, clarify, argue or analyze a subject. 1. What’s the main idea of the essay This essay is about the _____ of friendship. importance/benefits 2. Go through the passage quickly and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Fast-reading Task 1: Find the topic sentence of each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 Para. 5 Para. 6 More often than not, close friendships will help ...L5 There are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.L7 The first fruit of friendship is the peace ...L13 The second ... is the better understanding and judgement ...L20 The third fruit of friendship is the help that...L29 Friends should be carefully chosen and relationships carefully developed. L35 Task 1 语篇宏观建构 【阅读策略点拨】 快速把握议论文的中心论点和分论点(补充和证明中心论点) 1. 如果不是开门见山, 提出中心论点, 就利用标题、开篇、结尾确认中心论点。 2. 分论点的提出, 往往可以结合篇章特点给予确认。如: The first. . . ; The second. . . ; The third. . . 等。 structure of the essay Para. 4 Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 5 Para. 6 Para. 1 Para. 2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para. 6 √ ① ② structure of the essay the _____ of friendship three _____of friendship advice on _____ importance “fruits” making friends Para.4 Para. 1 Para. 2 Para.3 Para.5 Para. 6 Part1: Introduction to the topic Part2: Detailed explanation of the fruits Part3: Conclusion Detailed-reading They may comfort the heart,advise the head and help us achieve the goals. 1. What are the three “fruits” of friendship Task 2: Task 2 文本微观探究 Choose the best answer. 1. Why may we sometimes wish to think alone while walking the “path of life” A. We want to escape into our own world. B. Quiet thinking can lead to individual progress. C. Social life is also important to us. D. We are all meant to travel the rocky road. 2. Which is not the fruit close friendships may have A. The comfort.   B. The advice. C. The help. D. The goals. 3. Which of the following can replace the word “one-sided” in Paragraph 4 A. Single.    B. Imperfect.    C. Unique.    D. Alone. 4. What can we learn from the passage A. All friendships will have three fruits: comfort, advice and help. B. Friends sharing sadness in full measure will have doubled trouble. C. Well-meani ... ...

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