
Lesson 45 China课件(共19张PPT,内嵌音频)2023-2024学年冀版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:36次 大小:3124929Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 47 The U.K. and Australia 河北-出卷网- 初中英语 七年级上册 教学目标 It’s the Palace Museum It’s the Great Wall China’s flag New words Language /'l ɡw d / n. 语言 else /els/ adv. 除…之外;其他 flag /fl g/ n. 旗帜 palace /'p l s/ n. 宫殿 lovely /‘l vl / adj. 可爱的;美丽的 the Palace Museum 故宫 New Phrases 1.一张中国地图 _____ 2. 了解_____ 3.……的首都_____ 4. 中国的国旗_____ 5.有悠久的历史_____ 6.讲汉语_____ 7.一只可爱的熊猫_____ 8. 五颗黄色的星星_____ A map of China know about the capital of … China’s flag have a long history Speak Chinese a lovely panda five yellow stars About Special Question 问语言: What language do people speak in... 问首都: What is the capital city of China 问方位: What countries are +方位 of + 国家 Listen and fill. Mr. Jones: This is a map of China. What do you _____ China,Jenny Jenny: I know a lot about China. My friends Li Ming and Wang Mei live in China. Mr. Jones: What _____ do people speak in China Jenny: They speak _____. Mr. Jones: Good! What is the _____city of China, Jenny Jenny: Beijing. Mr. Jones: Yes! Beijing is the capital of China. What countries are _____ of China Do you know, Jenny Jenny: Yes, I know, _____ and the U.S. are east of China. Know about language Chinese capital east Canada Grammar 1. What else do you know about China else adv. “除……以外,其他” 用法: ① 特殊疑问词(what, who…)+else ②不定代词(something, someone…)+else eg: I have____ to tell you . A. something else B. else something C. anything else D. else anything 在别的什么地方还能吃到这种食物? _____ _____ can you eat this food A Where else 1.language 可数名词,语言的意思。 mother language 母语 official language 官方语言 the first language 第一语言 a foreign language 一门外语 注意:具体的语言,如英语,法语,汉语等,则为不可数名词 2.else 其他的;常用于疑问词what,who,where或不定代词anything,something,somebody后。 eg: What else does he say 他还说了些什么 Ask somebody else to help you. 另请一个人来帮你吧 Rewrite the sentences into questions. 1. It’s January 15th. Where do you live 2. I live in China. Which car is Jack’s 3. The red car is Jack’s. Whose pants are too long 4. Bob’s pants are too long. What countries are east of China 5. Canada and the U.S. are east of China. What date is it Activity : 用英语介绍中国 My Country I know about our country, China. We live in ... We speak … The animals… The capital city of our country is … China is …of the U.S. China’s flag is … It has …yellow stars. I know some interesting places. They are … I know some delicious food. They are … 活动要求: 1. 小组合作,讨论完成一篇介绍。2. 展示。 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. How many _____ (leaf) are there on Canada’s flag 2. My English teacher_____ (speak) English very well. 3. China is one of the biggest _____ (country) in the world. 4. This is_____ (Australia) flag. It has a little flag in the corner. 5. This is a little cat. _____ (i ... ...

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