
Unit 5 Lesson 29 Our Ambitions and Dreams 课件 +嵌入音频 (共19张PPT)

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(课件网) Unit 5 My Future Lesson 29 Our Ambitions and Dreams 新 课 导 入 Free Talk 1.What’s Li Ming’s ambition(雄心壮志) 2.What about your friend’s ambition Language Goal 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 1.能熟悉并正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语 2.能用英语谈论自己的理想和抱负 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 THINK ABOUT IT ·What does it mean to know yourself How well do you know yourself ·Is it important to choose the right path for your dreams Why From:liming@ To:danny@compmail.ca Subject:The Future Date:08/11 7:09 p.m. 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 Hello Danny, In school,we are talking about our ambitions and dreams. Some of us have no idea,but others have very clear goals. Some students want to be fishermen,some want to be policemen or policewo men,and some want to be artists. There are so many good choices. It's hard to choose just one. The main thing is to know yourself and to choose the right path for you. What will I be when I grow up I hope to be a good teacher like Ms. Liu. She is strict but nice. She 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 encourages us to work hard,but she never punishes us. Her classes are fun! What are you going to be when you're older,Danny You are good at playing basketball. You would be a good basketball player,I think. Are you taller this year Talk to you soon! Li Ming 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 Let’s do it! 1)Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1.What is the e mail about 2.What's the main thing to think about when you choose a job It's about the future. It's to know yourself and to choose the right path for you. 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 3.Why does Li Ming hope to be a teacher like Ms. Liu 4.How many kinds of jobs can we find in the e mail Five.  Because Ms. Liu is strict but nice. She encourages students to work hard,but she never punishes them. 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 2) Listen to the dialogues and put the pictures in the correct order. Then write the job words under the pictures. _____ _____ artist _____ 3 1  4  2 policewoman fisherman  basketball player 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 1. A: What are you going to be when you’re older B: I hope to be a fisherman like my father. 2. A: What’s your goal B: I’m good at playing basketball. My biggest goal is to be a basketball player and play in the NBA. 3. A: My sister wants to be a policewoman when she grows up. B: That’s cool! That’s also my dream. 4. A: What will I be when I grow up B: You like painting. I think you’ll be an artist. 听力材料 新知学习 课堂小结 当堂检测 学习目标 重点研讨 3) Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the words in the box. punish ambition nice choice encourage maybe A: Hi Liu Dong! What's your _____? B: My dream is to be an engineer. How about you, Yang Yang A: I'm not sure. My parents gave me some suggestions—a doctor, ... ...

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