

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:49次 大小:11350627Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    11.What cnlor are Jack's pemeils ( )23.Who has Junch at bome A.Green. B.Purple. C.Bleck. A.Lily's father. B.Lily's mother. C.Lly's alster.D.Lily. 河南省2023-2024学年第一学期学情分析二 ( )12.What isn't in Jack's peneil hax pow 】24. A.His pencils. C.Hia ID eard. A-Soccer. B.Ping-pong. D.Tennis. 七年级英语(A) (人教版) 听下而段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。 )25.What can w:knou aboe:Lily )l3,hgrl和do after(起t初)? A.Sihe is a fat girl. B.she likeire A.Play haskethall. B.Play volleyhull. C.Pyping笔 C.She doesn't plar spods. Starter Unlts~Unit 6 D.She hsa pood ealing habit. 法意事项: 14.What does Mike think of volleyball A.Beeinr. B.Interesling. Hi,I'Tin Cindy is my friend She'sn Englich gidl an she'w 12 She'a from a family of eight L.本试卷共6页,六个大恶.满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 )15.Where nre thegir's ping-ponghas are Mark and 5am. den 2客搀前请将装可线内的项目填写清楚。 A.Un the desk. B.In her schoolbag. C.In the box. 第三 while.Ada an 题号一】二三四五六总分等级 听下面一篇知文,按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。并将共标号填写在题 Cindy and re in Apple,It'dcho in England,We'ein the 号后的桥战上。短文读两记。 re eight boyx and ten girls in our.Cindy likes to p与ping-peg-I's my faverise(最客2的y 分数 4. C. ur,too.We always plmy il alier class.We think il's very relaring.Chen Meng is our favorite sports 听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分】 所力帝循 Cindy is very nice.Do you want lo make friends with her 第一节 根据材料内容选择最生容案,并彬其标号执人题前括号内。 所下而5段对话。每段对话后布一个小愿,从四中所许的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳 16. 17. 18. 19. 】26.Whn is1rk¥ 答紧,并将其标丹填人前括号内,每段划话该两丑。 ACiody':undle. 二、闭读理解〔2题.每小恩2分,共分) B.Tina's teacher.C.Ciady's heother.D.Tina's friend. 〕27.Whut colori3Cneo7 )】.here is Inck's eraer2 B.In his schcolbag 同装下面四还言材科,然后按文后要求做题。 C.【n his bookease C Block. D.Yellow 2.Whaut doe Gina have )28.Why does Cindy like playing ping-ong I'm Lily.Do you know wht m family eal every day )3.hat png bal. B.A pins-poog hall. C.A merer boll. have for breakfas D.She thinks it's interesting )h t B.Bread and milk C.Egss and milk. He bs lunch at achool.He likes riee,carrols and pears foc lunch.For dinner,he likes s Susan want to have anme chicken.He likes wstching tennis games on TY. A.Ada a doe. B.Chen Meng is Cindy's firiend. B.Or C.Tina and Cindy are eassmates D.10 sludents are in Tina's class. ith Se's my mother.She ha Junch at bome.Sthesakplayer,She i )3.Wha'the best tiule(是在标题上oc the texl C.Jack A.My friend,Cindy B.Tins and her school 第养几对话成我白。」 C.Tina and her pets D.Cirdy's frien Tit 每段对话或独白后有儿个小题,从题中所给的A、丑,C三个进 92 This gi isster Saly.She's n socer star sehnol.She always well.She 项中选出且位答案。 并其标号填人题前话号内。每段对话或白读两迪。 likes milk,bread and eggs for hreakfast Far luneh,she likes rice nnd meot ot schooL Harry is a 12-yur-o English boy.Hispa 听下面一段对话,回容郭6至第两个小越。 H 6.What is Grace's last ... ...

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