
人教版B4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour Workbook-Listening课件+19 张

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:62次 大小:1800692Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。人教课标 高一 必修 4 Unit 3Unit 3 A taste of English humourListening1. Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear.□thief □knife □potatoes □carrots □mushrooms □midnight □shirt □trousers □spread □stole □whispered □shouted√√√√√Listening on P55√√√√The story is about a thief who tries to steal some potatoes and Peter who successfully prevents them from being stolen.Main idea Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.1. Where did Peter get the potatoes? Peter was given the potatoes by a friend. 2. Why did he ask his wife to be quiet when she heard the thief? He thought the thief might have a knife and he did not want to make him angry.3. Why couldn’t the thief take away the potatoes? 4. Why was the thief angry? Peter removed the shirt that the thief had planned to put the potatoes in.He thought the husband had stolen his shirt so he could no longer steal the potatoes.Listening task on P58 Choose the best picture that best describes what happened.ABCSample description:1. The teacher sees some boys looking at a dog. 2. The dog is thin and he feels sorry for it. 3. He asks what they intend to do with it. 4. He finds they all want to look after it but only the person who tells the biggest lie can have it as a pet.5. The teacher is angry and lectures the boys about telling lies and how honest he was at their age. 6. The boys decide to give him the dog.Choose the best answer to each question.1. Why did the children decide to give the dog to the teacher? A. Because none of them wanted to keep the dog. B. Because their teacher liked it. C. Because they could not decide which of them should own it. D. Because they thought the teacher had told the biggest lie. 2. What do you think about the children? A. They all like dogs. B. They all respect their teachers. C. They all work hard at their lessons. D. They are honest and lovely. 3. What do you think about the teacher? A. He does not like these boys. B. He wants to become the owner of the dog C. He does not like the way the children choose an owner for the dog D. He wants to stop the children telling lies to own the dogListen to the tape again and answer the question.How do you think the teacher felt when he was offered the dog? I think the teacher felt embarrassed when he was offered the dog, because he did not want it and had not expected to be offered it. And he felt very unhappy to be considered a liar.Discuss how you would solve these problems and help the teacher. DiscussionThe teacher should suggest to the boys that he would love the dog but that it is impossible for him to take it for walks as he has so much work to do. Offer it back to them as he can now see how well they would care for it.The teacher should suggest that the boys explain how they would care for the dog. Note where they would keep it, what they would feed it on, how often they would take it for walks, whether their parents are happy to have a new dog. Then choose accordingly.Please c ... ...

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