
新概念英语第一册 Lesson 49-50 (共39张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:2033363Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 新概念一 小学英语分院新一组 Lesson49-50 At the butcher’s 目录 Grammar 3 Vocabulary 1 Text 2 (1) butcher n. 卖肉者 e.g._____ 卖肉者出售各种肉类。 _____ 在肉店 Vocabulary Butchers sell all kinds of meat. At the butcher’s (2) meat n.(食用)肉 [U] e.g. I _____ . 我非常喜欢吃肉。 like eating meat very much (3) beef n. 牛肉 [U] e.g. I _____, I want some _____. 我不喜欢牛肉,我想要一些鱼肉。 don’t like beef fish (4) lamb n. 羔羊[C] / 羔羊肉[U] 作羔羊肉解释: Would you like _____ 您想要一些羔羊肉吗? 作羔羊解释: How many _____ are there on the farm 农场里有几只羔羊? some lamb lambs (5) husband n. 丈夫 e.g. The man_____ is _____. 那边的男子是玛丽的丈夫。 相对反义词:_____ 妻子 over there Mary’s husband wife (6) steak n. 牛排 e.g. I’d like to _____, please. 我想点一份牛排。 衍生: 除牛排外,也可解释为_____、_____ order a steak 鱼排 猪排 (7) chicken n. 鸡[C] / 鸡肉[U] 作鸡肉解释:I want _____, please. 我想买一些鸡肉。 作鸡解释:There are _____ inside the fence. 栅栏内有六只鸡。 buy some chicken six chickens (8) tell v. 告诉 e.g. My mother always _____ before I go to sleep. 我妈妈总是在我睡前给我讲一个故事。 常用搭配:tell _____讲故事 tell _____说谎 tell me a story a story a lie (9) truth n. 实情,真相 e.g. He _____. 他一向说实话。 常用搭配:To tell you the truth, … _____,…… always tells the truth 老实说 (10) either adv. 也(用于否定句) 用法详见重点语法(2) (11) tomato n. 西红柿 e.g. Would you like _____ 要来些番茄汁吗? 思考:tomato的复数形式为_____ some tomato juice tomatoes (12) potato n. 土豆 e.g. _____, not a kind of fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,不是水果。 思考:potato的复数形式为_____ Potato is a kind of vegetable potatoes (13) cabbage n. 卷心菜 (14) lettuce n. 莴苣,生菜 (15) pea n. 豌豆 (16) bean n. 豆角 常见豆类: _____ soya beans 咖啡豆 _____ 大豆 coffee bean (17) pear n. 梨,梨树 (18) grape n. 葡萄 _____ grapes 一串葡萄 a branch of (19) peach n. 桃,桃树 I spell you say T: spell the word Ss: guess Game on! Text: At the butcher’s Q: What does Mr. Bird like Role play 记忆面包条 To tell you the truth, … 实话告诉你, … --好句推荐 Grammar 28 (1) 一般现在时II 课文原句重现:My husband likes steak, but he doesn't like chicken. 语法:主语是第三人称单数时的动词变化 方式如下: 1. 大多数动词在词尾加_____构成。如: work→ _____ read→ _____ reads s works 2. 以s, x, sh, ch及字母o结尾的动词,要加_____,如: guess→ _____ mix→ _____ do→ _____ es guesses mixes does 3. 以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,应将y 变成_____再加_____。如: fly→ _____ study→ _____ 4. 有些动词变化不规则,需特殊记忆,如: have→ _____ be→ _____ i ies flies studies has is 试一试:请写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式 1. look -- _____ 2. come -- _____ 3. listen-- _____ 4. finish -- _____ 5. catch -- _____ 6. go -- _____ 7. carry -- _____ 8. teach --_____ 9. run-- _____ looks comes listens finishes catches goes carries teaches runs 否定句:主语(第三人称)+doesn’t/does not+动词原形+其它 e.g. Tom makes a cake. 否定句:_____ Tom ... ...

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