
Unit 4 My day词汇考点汇总(背诵版+默写版)--牛津译林版英语七年级上册

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:224572Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 4 My day词汇考点汇总(背诵版+默写版) 第一部分:背诵版 Unit4 Welcome to the Unit 1.醒来(叫醒某人) wake up(wake sb. up) sb.如果是人称代词宾格,则必须放在中间 2.是该做某事的时候了。1) It's time for sth. 2) It's time to do sth. 3) It's time for sb. to do sth. 3.表达建议做某事(5 种): 1) Let’s do sth. 2) Shall we do sth 3) Why not do sth 4) How about doing sth. 5) What about doing sth. 4.出去: go out 5.早饭后: after breakfast 做某事之后: after doing sth. 6.需要好好休息:need a good rest need 的用法:1) need sth. 2) need(sb.) to do sth. 7.玩的开心(3 种): have fun/ have a good time/ enjoy oneself 8.做早操: do morning exercises 9.上课(2种): have lessons/classes 10.做课外活动: do after-school activities 11.迟到: be late for 12.开始上课: start lessons 开始做某事: start to do sth. Unit4. Reading 1.学校生活: school life 2.我是一名阳光中学的学生。I am a student at/in Sunshine Middle School. 3.从周一到周五: from Monday to Friday 4.做早操: do morning exercises 5.擅长做某事: be good at(doing) sth./ do well in(doing) sth. 6.有很多朋友: have many/lots of friends 7.对某人友好: be nice/kind/good/friendly to sb. 8.互相聊天: chat with each other 9.在操场上玩: play in/on the playground 10.去图书馆: go to the library 11.去阅读俱乐部: go to the Reading Club 12.是校排球队的一员: be in the school volleyball team =be a member of the school volleyball team 13. practise 的用法: 1) practise sth. 2) practise(doing) sth. 14.在周三下午: on Wednesday afternoon 15.玩得开心(3 种): have fun/ have a good time/ enjoy oneself 16.最好的祝愿: best wishes 17. exercise 的用法: 1) 操: do morning exercises/do eye exercises 2) 习题: one Maths exercise/five Maths exercises 3) 锻炼: do (more) exercise/Hiking is good exercise. 4) 锻炼: exercise more/Eddie never exercises. 18. wish的用法: 1) 希望,祝愿 one’s wish (hope/dream) is to...... 2) ① wish (sb./sth) to do. ② wish+that从句(虚拟语气,表强烈而难实现的“愿望”) ③ wish+宾语+宾补(adj.或 n.) a. I wish you happy. b. I wish you a pleasant journey. Unit4. Grammar 1.在每年的三月植树: plant trees in March every year 2.在暑假:(in the) summer holiday 3.在儿童节: on Children's Day 4.在六岁开始上学: start school at 6 years old/at the age of 6 5.给某人写回信: write back to sb. 6.感谢你的电子邮件。Thanks for your email. thanks=thank+人(you/him/her.....) 7.举行一场校足球赛: have/hold a school football match 8.有(很多/没有)时间做某事: have (much/no) time to do sth. 9.去上她的舞蹈课: go to her dancing lessons/classes 10.去滑旱冰: go roller skating 11. in 的用法: 1)+morning/afternoon/evening; 2)+月份; 3)+季节; 4)+ 年份 12. on的用法: 1)+星期; 2)+日期; 3)+具有描述具体某一天的词组; 4)+(含有 day 的) 节日 (3 举例: on Sunday morning/on a cold winter evening/on the evening of+日期) 13. at的用法: 1)+具体时间(几点几分); 2)+年龄; 3)+饭点; 4)+(周期较长的)节日 (2举例: at 6 years old=at the age of 6) 14.频率副词(位置: be 后实前): never/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/always Unit4. Integrated skills 1.在阳光 ... ...

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