
译林版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 3 Fit for Life词汇课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:38次 大小:849028Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) b5u3 derivatives Review: Skills of some derivatives 1.动词+ ment变名词 ①_____同意→_____协议;一致 ②_____安排→_____ 安排;筹备 ③_____发展→_____ 发展 ④_____提高,改善→_____提高,改善 ⑤_____惩罚→_____惩罚 ⑥_____使激动,使兴奋→_____ 兴奋,激动 agree arrange development agreement arrangement develop improve punish excite improvement punishment excitement Review: Skills of some derivatives 2.以 t结尾的形容词变t为ce构成名词 ①_____ adj.缺席的,不在场的→_____n.缺席;不在 ②_____adj.自信的,坚信的→_____ n.信赖,自信 ③_____ adj.显而易见的→_____ n.证据 ④_____ adj.重要的→_____ n.重要性 absent confidence absence confident evident important evidence importance Review: Skills of some derivatives 2.以 t结尾的形容词变t为ce构成名词 ⑤_____ adj.沉默的→_____ n.寂静,缄口不言 ⑥_____ adj.重要的,显著的 →_____ n.重要性;意义 ⑦_____adj.有耐心的→_____ n.耐心;容忍 ⑧_____ adj.暴力的→_____n.暴力  silent violent silence significant significance patience patient violence Review: Skills of some derivatives 3.动词+ ing变名词 ①_____表明;说明→_____谚语;教诲 ②_____明白;了解→_____了解;领会 ③_____发现;找到→_____调查发现,调研结果 ④_____训练;教育→_____训练;锻炼 ⑤_____提醒;告诫→_____警告,先兆;警戒 ⑥_____将……放置在某处;停车→_____停放;停车位 say understand saying find understanding finding train training warn warning park parking presentation 1.surgeon n.外科医生→ _____ n.外科;外科手术 →_____ adj.外科的;手术上的 → _____ adv. → _____ n.内科医生→ _____ n.物理学家 →_____ adj. 物理的;身体的;物质的 → _____adv.身体上;实际上 2.chemist n. 化学家;药剂师→_____ adj.化学的n.化学药品 →_____ n.化学;化学过程 3.dentist → _____adj.牙科的;牙齿的 → _____ n.牙科学;牙医业 surgical surgery surgically physically dental physical chemical physicist physician chemistry dentistry 4.specialize (also specialise) vi.专门研究(或从事),专攻→_____ adj.特殊的;专门的 →_____ adv.专门地;格外,特别→_____ n.专家5.affect vt.影响;感染;深深打动→_____ n.喜爱,钟爱 →_____ adj.感动人的→_____ adj. 深情的 →_____ n. 影响,效果→ _____adj. 有影响的→_____ adj. 有效率的 → _____ n. 效率 6.identify vt.确认,认出;显示→_____ n.身份 →_____ n.辨认;确认;身份证明→ _____ adj.同一的 specially specialist special efficiency affectionate affecting identity identification effect effective efficient affection identical 7.relate v.联系;讲述→_____ adj.相对的 n.亲戚;关系词 →_____ adj.有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的→_____ n.关系;关联→_____ n.关系;叙述 8.delete v. 删除n.删除键 →_____ n. 删除; 缺失;删除部分 9.restore v.恢复;使复原;修复 → _____ adj.恢复健康的 →_____ n.恢复;复位 →_____ n.修补者;修建者 10.abnormal adj.反常的,畸形的→_____ adj.正常的;一般的→_____ adv.正常地;一般地 relative related restorative relationship relation restoration deletion restorer normally normal 11.restrict vt.限制;约束→_____ adj.受限制的;受约束的 →_____ n.限制,约束 12.prohibit v ... ...

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