ID: 18583784

Module 10 Unit 2 She's got an orange sweater 第3--4课时课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-10-11 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:13991641B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 第3课时 Unit 2 She’s got an orange sweater. 1. Listen, point and say. 2. Listen and say. 3. Look and draw √ or ⅹ. Module 10 第4课时 Unit 2 She’s got an orange sweater. 4. Listen and say. Then chant. 5. Play the game. Guess and say. 6. Listen, repeat and trace the letters. 7. Draw and say. Module 10 师生问候 Warm-up Good morning. Good morning. How do you do How do you do Sing a song Warm-up Hello, Hello Hello, hello, how are you I’m fine, I’m fine, and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. 师生问答 Preview I’ve got a black coat. Has he got a black sweater No, he hasn’t. 同桌问答 Preview I’ve got ... Has she/he got … No, she/he hasn’t. Yes, she/he has. Listen and say. Then chant. Lead-in. Presentation Today we’re going to learn a chant. Presentation Listen, read and imitate the chant. Listen and say. Then chant. Presentation Group work:分为两大组,一问一答分角色说韵句,然后交换角色。 Listen and say. Then chant. Group 1 Group 2 Play the game. Guess and say. Make up a dialogue. Consolidation and Extension Has he got ... Yes, he’s got.../No, he hasn’t got... Pair work Practise in pairs. Then change your roles and practise. Consolidation and Extension Has he got a/an... Yes, he’s got.../ No, he hasn’t got... Has he got a/an... Yes, he’s got.../ No, he hasn’t got... Pair work Practise in groups and show in the class. Consolidation and Extension Has he/she got ... Yes, he’s/she’s got.../ No, he/she hasn’t got... Listen, repeat and trace the letters Read and write. Consolidation and Extension Draw and say Consolidation and Extension 画一画,说一说:完善吉祥物的服饰搭配(也可以根据老师的描述,自己画出来并且涂色)。 Homework 给家人演唱课堂上学的chant。 Thank you! Warm-up Happy, happy, A, B, C Happy, happy, A, B, C. A, B, C, D, E, F, G. I’m good. Listen to me. H, I, J, K, L, M, N. I’m happy. Try again. O, P, Q, R, S, T, U. I’m cute. How about you V, W, X, Y, Z. I’m nice. Do you know me Sing a song 故事情境 Preview Learn about the story. 情境:为了拍摄班级合影,Sam穿了一件白衬衫去学校,但在就要到学校门口的时候不小心摔了一跤,白衬衫被弄脏了。 Listen, point and say Presentation Listen and answer. ● Why does Sam wear a white shirt It’s for the class photo. Listen, point and say Presentation Learn the new words. photo n. 照片 class photo 全班合影 Listen, point and say Presentation Learn the new words. white adj. 白色的 white shirt 白色衬衫 Listen, point and say Presentation Learn the new words. skirt n. 女裙,裙子 Listen, point and say Presentation Learn the difference. dress skirt Listen, point and say Presentation Read the words. skirt dress coat sweater T-shirt shirt hat trousers photo Listen, point and say Presentation Listen and read. Presentation Learn-in. Listen and say 我们来看看Sam、Amy和Lingling是怎么打扮熊猫的。 Presentation Watch and answer. ●Has he got a green sweater ● Has he got trousers Yes, he has. Yes, he has. He’s ... ...

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