
吉林省四平市铁西区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题(PDF版 含答案)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:5768132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    八 年 级 英 语 学 科 期 末 能 力 检 测 (2023 ——— 2024学年度第一学期) 八年级英语参考答案 1.comfortably2.catch3.dangerous4.yourself5.invitation 6~10BABCA 11~15 CBACB 16~20 CAEFB 21.What does she do 22.Yes, she does./Yes. 23.What do you want to be 24.How are you going to do that 25.When are you going to start 26.third 27.myself 28.came 29.best 30.to hear 31~35 CABAC 36~40 HBKAF 41~45 DJLEI 46~50 CBDAD 51~55 CBADB 56~60 FTTFF 61~65 DBACE 66~70 CEDAB 71. a group of 72. finishes her homework 73. thinking 74. people’s 75. groups 76. Playing sports and traveling. 77. By plane. / By taking a plane. 78. Because they will do dangerous and heavy work for people. 79. In the sea, on the moon or on other planets. 80. People will start wars for water in 100 years. (说明:答案使用简略或完整形式回答均可;标点符号、大小写、拼写错误,每处扣0.5分。) 81.评分标准: 第五档:(12—13分) 圆满地完成了规定的写作任务,包含提示中的所有要点,结构合理,语言流畅, 语句优美,思路清晰,逻辑性强。能使用较为丰富的句子结构和词汇,基本上无语法和词汇错误,书写规范工整。 第四档: (9—11分) 较好地完成了规定的写作任务,包含提示中的所有要点,结构较为合理,语言较为流畅,意思表述清楚,虽有个别语法和词汇错误但不影响理解,书写较为规范工整。 第三档:(6—8分) 基本完成了规定的写作任务,包含提示中的所有要点,但结构欠合理,少数语句 意思表述不够清楚,语法和词汇错误较少但不影响理解,书写基本规范。 第二档:(3—5分) 未能按要求完成规定的写作任务,只包含提示中的部分要点,结构不合理,多语 句意思表述不够清楚,语法和词汇错误较多,影响理解,书写欠规范。 第一档:(0—2分) 只写出个别词语,结构不完整,多数语句不完整或意思不明,内容不可读,语法 和词汇错误很多,书写混乱。 评分要求: 1.文中包含所有提示中的内容,缺一个要点扣1分。 2.词数不足,扣1分。 3.文中出现拼写、大小写及语法错误,每两处扣0.5分。八年级英语学科期末能力检测 A.although B.at C.because (2023 一一 2024学年度第一学期) 14.Alice bought some presents for her parents,but she didn't buy for herself. A.nothing B.something C.anything 15.Please wait a moment.I'll get a pen and your phone number. 英语试卷共8页,包括三道大题,共81道小题。全卷满分100分。考试时间 A.turn down B.write down C.turn on 为100分钟。 注意事项: Ⅲ.从方框中选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分) 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确 A.How often do you play basketball 粘贴在条形码区域内。 2.答题时,考生务必按照要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草纸上、试题上 B.Can you come to my birthday party 作答无效。 C.Where did you go D.What was it about 一、语言知识运用(共45分) E.Would you like to go with me 【.根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺、正确,每空一词。(5分) F.All right. 1.The seats are very soft,so we can sit there the most c_ Linda:Hello,Alice.I called you last night,but no one answered.16. 2.Bob didn't c the early bus so he was late for school. Alice:Oh,Linda.I went to play basketball Linda:You like basketball 17. 3.Don't swim in the river.It's too d 4.You should do your homework by y Tom Alice:Twice a week.Do you have a ... ...

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