
冀教版七年级上册Unit 8 Countries around the world Lesson 45 China 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-09-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:10次 大小:905671Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Guessing Game! What is it It’s red. It has one big yellow star and four small yellow stars around it. China’s flag is red. It has five yellow stars. What do you know about China What language do people speak What is the capital of China Lesson 45 China New words language n. 语言 else adv. 除……以外;其他 flag n. 旗帜 palace n. 宫殿 the Palace Museum 故宫 lovely adj. 可爱的;美丽的 1. 知道,了解 2. 住在中国 3. 什么语言 4. 说汉语 5. 中国的首都 6. be east of... 7. what else 8. China’s flag 9. have a long history 10. a lovely panda 1. know about 2. live in China 3. what language 4. speak Chinese 5. the capital city of China 6. 在... 东方 7. 别的什么 8. 中国的国旗 9. 拥有悠久的历史 10. 一只可爱的熊猫 Where is Li Ming from 2. What does he speak 3. What is the capital city of China 4. What country is east of China Ask and answer He is from China. He speaks Chinese. Beijing. Canada and the U.S. are east of China. Language points 1. What language do people speak in China 在中国人们说哪种语言? language n. 语言文字 He can speak several languages. 他会讲好几种语言。 2. speak talk say tell speak +语言 talk 谈论(某事) talk to /with sb. (about sth) say 说(内容) tell 告诉 tell sb. sth. tell sb. to do sth I can _____English. He is _____a friend. He _____ thanks to the policeman. Our teacher _____us a story. speak talking to says tells 1. We are English, we _____ English. 2. Grandpa likes to ___ funny stories to us. Fill in the blanks, using “say”, “talk”, “speak” or “tell”. speak tell Exercises 3. Would you like to ____ with me about my study 4. Mother ____ me to study hard. 5. “I’m fine.”____ Li Lei. talk tells says 3. What else do you know about China 你对中国还知道些什么? else adv. (用于疑问词、不定代词some,no,every,all,each,both,something等后) 其他, 另外 Who else is there in the house 屋子里还有谁 4.know about了解;知道关于……的情况。它相当于learn about(of) I don't know about the city. 我不了解这座城市。 5.lovely:形容词,可爱的,美丽的。 放在名词前做定语,系动词后作表语 He has a lovely sister. The dog is very lovely. e Exercises 1. --_____is China’s flag --It’s red. A. How many B. What colour C. How much D. What 2. Taiwan is a part of China. It is ____ the southeast of our country. A. on B. in C. to D. as 3. The Palace Museum is famous _____ the world. A. to B. for C. around D. as e Exercises 4. – Jim, can you ____ this word in Chinese – Yes, I can _____ a little Chinese. A. speak; say B. say; speak C. tell; speak D. talk; say 5. Who ____ do you know in our class A. other B. others C. else D. else people 6. Li Ming comes from _____. He’s ____ and he can speak ____. A. Chinese; China; China B. China; Chinese; Chinese C. Chinese; Chinese; China D. China; China; Chinese 巩固练习: 1. – What’s that - ___ a map ___ Japan. A. It’s; of B. Its; of C. It’s; for D. Its; for 2. - _____ do people in the U.S. speak - They speak English. A. What language B. What’s C. What ... ...

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